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10 Reasons You Should Be Playing Untitled Goose Game | Game Rant

This game seemed to come out of nowhere in 2019 and became a popular phenomenon the moment it was available. How did a short little indie game breakthrough to audiences and critics so hard? It outsold a lot of big-name games like The Legend of Zelda when it came out, and that only made gamers admire it all the more for breaking convention.

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In the Untitled Goose Game, you play a goose and ruin the lives of the townsfolk with little quests to steal their keys, take their socks, or untie their shoes. That's all. So what is it that has made this game so special? Well, there are a lot of reasons. Here are ten reasons why you should play the Untitled Goose Game if you have not already.

10 It Is Hilarious

A goose running amok and causing chaos in a small town is comedy gold. Seeing a man scare a child into locking themselves in a phone booth is not funny, but a goose doing it is. There are a ton of impish things you can do, and the results are hilarious. You can try to take a broom away from a woman trying to broom you away and you get to watch this woman and goose just play tug-of-war over a broom until it breaks in half.

9 It Is Relatable

A lot of people actually do consider geese as trouble makers because they can cause a mess, be aggressive, and are way faster than they look.

The humor is also very old-school and that makes it relatable by all ages. It is a very family-friendly game in that sense. It is also a game with no dialogue, which makes it more universal in terms of understanding what is going on and the emotions involved.

8 It Is A Good Stealth And Puzzle Game

Since you are a goose and can easily be overpowered by humans,  stealth is required to complete most of your missions. This means hiding in bushes, under tables, and running quickly by when a humans' back is turned. Funnily enough, this can take some of the same strategies that are implemented in a lot of big-name games such as Metal Gear and Dishonored.

Your missions also give you puzzles to solve. For example, how can you get the farmer to accidentally hit his own thumb with a hammer? Or how can you get a kid to be forced to buy his own toy back from a store? Finding the right answer can make for a lot of fun experiments.

7 It Is Simple

The game is not long. It does not have an overarching plot. No dialogue. No backstory. It is just a goose accomplishing some shenanigans on the townsfolk.

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It is actually easy to play for people who are just getting into video games. There are buttons for honking, running, sneaking, and biting and that is all. You do not have to worry about stats or equipment.

6 It Is Not Violent

Violence in video games in not inherently bad, but it does get old. Why is it always combat and killing? Why can't we just steal a man's sandwich without him noticing?

Games are getting better about this, and the Untitled Goose Game makes for a great example. Even if you bite or trip people, it is not violent. It is like a kids cartoon. In a lot of stealth games, there is violence. Trying to always sneak by without killing characters is actually more difficult in a lot of games. The Untitled Goose Game takes a refreshing step away from these typical stealth game narratives.

5 The Music And Art Is Cute

The music has a lot of charm, so it had been widely talked about by the gaming community. It is actually Debussy’s Preludes that you have to thank for the Untitled Goose Game soundtrack. The music was adapted into playful piano music that plays as the goose character takes certain actions. It is like the piano is the goose's personal cheerleader, as it plays the most when the goose is up to no good.

Besides the cute music, the art-style is reminiscent of the Katamari series. It is very colorful, smooth, and cute uniform.

4 Chaos Is Encouraged

The game is great for de-stressing because you are supposed to make a mess of everything! Want to steal a woman's laundry and throw it in another person's backyard? If the answer is yes, then good, because that is a mission in this game.

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You are not punished for playing around with ideas that are not missions either. There are players who have stolen tons of items from humans just to collect them in the woods. You don't have to worry about cleaning the mess either, as the menu has a cleanup button that automatically undoes any mess you have made.

3 Fun Little Quests

The goose has a to-do list that you need to complete in order to get to the next area of the town. The to-do list is basically your quests and they are all very cute and naughty. These missions include stealing vegetables from a farmer, getting yourself on a news station, stealing a boy's glasses, making neighbors argue with each other, and getting a woman to put an adorable bow around your neck.

2 Great To Play With Friends

While the game is not multiplayer, it is fun to play around others. That's because it is a game where it is easy to have a conversation, whether it be about the humor, puzzles, or how to stealth around people.

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Whether it be watching the player or taking turns, it is a game that is best enjoyed with a friend rather than just alone.

1 You Play A Goose!

Lastly is the most important reason of them all. You are a goose. What other game offers this kind of content? Maybe Everything does, but you can be everything in Everything so that does not count.

There are plenty of games where you can play a cat, wolf, dog, and even dinosaur. Goose content is a rare thing though. Give it a try!

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10 Reasons You Should Be Playing Untitled Goose Game | Game Rant 10 Reasons You Should Be Playing Untitled Goose Game | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on December 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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