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Overwatch patch notes v1.29: Torbjörn rework, Pharah tuning, colourblind options

Overwatch’s 1.29 patch cycle is in progress on the PTR now. The big highlight is a pretty major rework to Torbjörn - everyone's favourite Swedish engineer has a new area-denial ult, a self-armouring buff, and deploys his turret very differently. The scrap mechanic is entirely gone, which should hopefully make him more flexible. Pharah has also had a pretty major overhaul to her primary fire - check it out below. Elsewhere there are some minor but still impactful tweaks to other heroes - Brigitte's shield has had a slight nerf, while Soldier: 76 and Orisa's primary fire have both had small buffs. In exciting accessibility news, a range of colourblind options have made available for you to customise your UI. Naturally, there’s the customary cavalcade of bug fixes. Usual patch caveats apply: these changes aren't yet final and are subject to further tweaks in line with player feedback, for such is the purpose of a PTR. The developers' focus isn't likely to radically change, however: whatever happens next, expect Torbjörn's next incarnation to be very different.
Overwatch patch notes v1.29: Torbjörn rework, Pharah tuning, colourblind options Overwatch patch notes v1.29: Torbjörn rework, Pharah tuning, colourblind options Reviewed by Unknown on September 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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