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How I became a prisoner of my own Fallout 4 settlement

How I became a prisoner of my own Fallout 4 settlement

Look, I'll admit it: I never finished Fallout 4. Before you get all uppity about that, and gather to organise my lynching, know that I did finish Fallout 3. Twice, in fact. Know also that I really tried to finish Fallout 4 (sort of). And be aware that it wasn’t my fault that I didn’t. After all, how could I when there was still so much work to be done rebuilding Sanctuary Hills?

Sure, the awkward, towering conglomerate of wood and corrugated metal I constructed was nowhere near as cosy as the House of Tomorrow which once stood on the same location - the building that served as my pre-apocalypse domicile - but it was the closest thing I had to a home.

Don’t get me wrong: I was relatively concerned about the wellbeing of my kidnapped son, Shaun. And was absolutely kind of mourning Nora, the now murdered spouse I had spent five minutes of wedded bliss with during the game's preamble. But I had bigger questions to answer. Questions like: 'what if I could electrify my base and then decorate it with Christmas tree lights?'

RELATED LINKS: Fallout 4 console commands, Fallout 4 mods, Fallout 4 settlements
How I became a prisoner of my own Fallout 4 settlement How I became a prisoner of my own Fallout 4 settlement Reviewed by Unknown on December 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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