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Overwatch: 5 Easiest Characters To Main As (& 5 That Are For Pros Only)

One of the coolest aspects to Overwatch - its plethora of vastly distinct heroes - can also be one of the most off-putting and intimidating.

With over 30 playable heroes now rounding out the ever-increasing lineup, it can be tricky to decipher which suits your playstyle and which offer an overall easier experience. It can also be tough to determine which should be held off and left to the pros, or at least set aside until you've gained a ton more experience and logged quite a few more hours.

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With this list, we'll sort through the array of OW heroes and pinpoint which 5 make for the easiest to focus on as a main choice. We'll also cover 5 far trickier options that offer the most potential for pros and far more practiced players.

10 Easy To Main: D.Va

While this versatile, mobile tank hero has been somewhat dialed back in potency, D.va's still quite effective and pretty easy to manage as long as you've got decent support behind her.

There are a number of mechanical traits and features that make D.va an optimal choice for those wanting to get their feet wet, because she has a fairly safe tank to play around with. Not only can her Defense Matrix be thrown up to protect yourself for a few seconds when things get hairy, but she can also jet around with ease, spam powerful Mico Missles at foes, and can crank out shots without ever reloading. Her Ultimate, Self-Destruct, can be devastating, but also essentially grants her an extra life if used correctly.

9 Pros Only: Widowmaker

In fairness, Widow's sniper can pack a punch and be effective even if you're not the most seasoned Overwatch player. Still, you'll need to be quite mechanically inclined and practiced with long-range sniping to get anywhere near the maximum potential out of Widowmaker. Her emphasis on sniping makes her a highly mechanical player, but you'll usually want head-shots, which isn't easy.

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This is why you tend to see quite a few Widow players in the Overwatch League setting camp at some high ground post and landing crazy shot after crazy shot.

8 Easy To Main: Reaper

You can make the argument that Reaper's slow movement and close-range shotguns can require a level of skill and learning. Yet, the fact that his shotties can be devastatingly strong from up-close pretty much makes up for his lack of effectiveness long-range. Along with this, his Wraith Form and Shadow Step give Reaper maneuverability and can make him seem downright impervious if wisely timed.

Reaper even has a passive ability that causes him to regain health upon landing successful hits, making him both a powerful and survivable DPS hero. As long as you're keen on plenty of close-range brawling and can pull off the occasional flank maneuver, this is a solid hero that's fairly easy to manage.

7 Pros Only: Zenyatta

One of the more peculiar heroes mechanically, Zenyatta can be deceptively tricky, despite his seemingly lax ability to float around and whip out healing over time. His primary task is to hit targets with his Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony. While these seem pretty passive, the right timing and placement of these can nudge momentum in your team's favor, and even dictate the way fights play out.

Zen requires lots of subtle planning, resource allocation, and a general awareness of where everyone is. If you're able, you'll also want to be calling out where your orbs are going so your teammates can plan their attacks accordingly. Not only this, but Zen's primary weapon can feel a touch wonky and can be tough to aim properly, and his reload is on the lengthy side. Basically, you'll want to know what you're doing with this Omnic monk.

6 Easy To Main: Moira

Assuming your teammates aren't utterly scattered about the map, Moira can be a hugely effective and simple hero to play, almost to the point of feeling unfairly overpowered at times.

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Basically, as long as you balance your resources and position yourself optimally, you'll be in business, if not outright controlling the game. Everything Moira flings at friends and foes come in bouncing orb and spray form, meaning you won't have to deal with mechanical precision. Her area-of-effect abilities allow her to heal and/or damage entire clusters of players, making her a devastating weapon and super-resourceful healer.

5 Pros Only: Sombra

DPS players can be tough, as they can get killed very quickly and often require good positioning, in addition to precision aiming. Not only does Sombra possess these traits, this hacking whiz also requires map awareness, quickness, and an overall strategic mindset to really get the most out of her.

With Sombra your responsibilities are as follows - hacking health packs, navigating the map while invisible, flanking enemy teams, hacking opponents, and popping your Ultimate at precisely the right time (often synchronizing with other Ults). Even her primary weapon, while effective, requires some pretty solid mechanical skills.

4 Easy To Main: Soldier 76

The abundance of abilities Soldier possesses may seem a tad overwhelming. Yet, they're fairly easy to get the hang of, and once you do, you can really exploit them to your advantage and quickly become a menace with this DPS hero. While Soldier comes with a hitscan that demands decent aiming skills, his loadout and mechanics should be very familiar to those who have played your more typical FPS like Call of Duty.

His secondary fire, the Helix Rockets, are also surprisingly strong and comes with a pretty wide spread. On top of this, his healing ability gives him survivability and allows you to solo effectively without having to worry about coordinating with your healers too much. Soldier 76 serves as a nice introduction to getting into the often tricky, intense DPS characters.

3 Pros Only: Tracer

This speedy DPS has a tremendously high ceiling, but a brutally low floor for those who don't know what they're doing. This is because, despite her ability to zip around the map, rewind, and warp about, she's highly vulnerable, or "squishy." One good smack by Brigitte's shield or a couple of blasts from Reaper's shotguns, and it's over.

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The good news is that Tracer can be a powerful, game-changing weapon for seasoned players who have great map awareness and know their way around her Pulse Pistols. Thing is - Tracer demands a high level of precision, alertness, mechanics, and general Overwatch "game-sense." You'll need to know who to target at what point, when to use Blink/Recall, when to toss that Pulse Bomb, etc.

2 Easy To Main: Mercy

This angel of mercy tends to be the "Soldier 76 of support heroes" in that she makes for a great "beginner" for players looking to try out a new role in the game. Her versatility, independent nature, and generally easy-to-grasp mechanics make her a safe and easy choice in most scenarios. Her staff unleashes an endless stream of healing and auto-targets teammates within a certain range, making precision and mechanical skill basically a non-issue.

Mercy's self-healing, revive, and ability to fly directly towards allies also makes her a resourceful hero who's pretty easy to survive with. The best part is, that there's a good chance you'll have your chance to main with her quite a bit, allowing ample practice, as players tend to jump on the DPS players before healers.

1 Pros Only: Genji

If you've watched your share of professional Overwatch, you've probably seen quite a few great Genji players who can utterly take over a game with a ton of solo kills. There's a good reason for this. This swift and nimble DPS can absolutely tear it up if used properly - but that's the hard part.

Playing a great Genji game is a lot harder than it looks, given the weird spread and overall mechanics of his Shurikens, as well as his low HP. You'll need to be constantly be moving; hopping, dashing, and climbing all over the map, for one.

His Ult, Dragonblade, can be impactful, with the ability to hack 4 or 5 players to death in one fell swoop. But again - the issue is using this properly, and being positioned correctly. It's all too easy to mistime or misuse Dragonblade, which can lead to a quick, abrupt demise.

Next: Which Overwatch Character Should You Main As Based On Your D&D Alignment?

Overwatch: 5 Easiest Characters To Main As (& 5 That Are For Pros Only) Overwatch: 5 Easiest Characters To Main As (& 5 That Are For Pros Only) Reviewed by Unknown on December 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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