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Gearbox could be making Borderlands GOTY. Again

A remaster of the original Borderlands could be on the way. The Korean Game Rating and Administration Committee has posted a listing for something called Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition, suggesting Gearbox could be working on a revamped version of its first trip to Pandora.

That title comes as quite the surprise, as there’s already a Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition. You can buy it on Steam right now, and you’ve been able to do so since October 2010. In fact, I’m pretty sure the GOTY edition is the version of Borderlands I bought when I first played it.

Whether Borderlands is primarily an FPS or an RPG is apparently up for debate (it's not, it's an FPS), but here are some of the best RPGs that are, you know, actually RPGs.

Gematsu links to three different listings for the game - one for Xbox One, one for PS4, and one for PC - but all three seem to have been taken down (unlike the recent listing for Sunset Overdrive PC). There is, of course, no official word from 2K or Gearbox on the existence of the game, although we’ve reached out for comment and will update this article when we know more.

Borderlands remaster

What we do (probably) know is that this is at the very least some kind of re-release. Borderlands can currently only be played on Xbox One and PS4 through backwards compatibility, so a listing for those consoles should mean a new title. Exactly what it is remains confusing, though.

Gearbox could be making Borderlands GOTY. Again Gearbox could be making Borderlands GOTY. Again Reviewed by Unknown on May 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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