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Doom Eternal mod support may happen, but it won’t be at launch and it’s not guaranteed

Doom Eternal will not have mod support at launch. After hearing the game’s developers speak at a roundtable Q&A during QuakeCon, we can say that much for certain. But id wants mods, and director Marty Stratton says that the studio has been revising its tech to make mods happen. But first, Stratton says we need to “definitely quote this. I would never make guarantees on even Doom Eternal [having mods].” Stratton says “We had made some technical decisions way back that just pushed us in a different direction than mods. We have spent the last several years making technical decisions that get us back towards being able to do mods. “It is a real, long-term initiative of ours to get back to where we can do that. Again, we’ve been making a lot of technical decisions that allow the tech - everything, the rendering, the way we do the gameplay, the way our levels are set up - really trying to make the game and the game code more flexible. Kind of put it in more components, and more data-driven in a lot of ways, which is how you get the mod content.
Doom Eternal mod support may happen, but it won’t be at launch and it’s not guaranteed Doom Eternal mod support may happen, but it won’t be at launch and it’s not guaranteed Reviewed by Unknown on August 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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