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Monday Terrain Corner

Over the weekend, I helped a 50ft tall swan hatch her egg she'd been sitting on for thousands of years. You know, just your average stuff. I hope you had a good weekend. I know it's over, but we'll get back to another weekend soon. And when we get there, we'll want our gaming tables looking good.

Today in the terrain corner we have: New Cave Mat Available From Deep-Cut Studio and Hive City Grand Fountain Available From Tabletop Scenics.

New Cave Mat Available From Deep-Cut Studio

Oh no, the new Cave game mat from Deep-Cut Studio is a disaster! What else do you call a spider infested place, where only glowing mushrooms grow, nasty trolls dwell and gloomy goblins do their shenanigans? Misfortune, if not death, lurks hidden in dark corners. Find your share of mishaps

Hive City Grand Fountain Available From Tabletop Scenics

Contents of this frames may be used to make one Hive City Grand Fountain structure.

Instruction is fitted to give guidelines and tips on how to assemble the product. Supplied unassembled and unpainted. Designed for 28mm heroic scale.


Monday Terrain Corner Monday Terrain Corner Reviewed by Unknown on April 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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