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Hearthstone Saviours of Uldum card reveal: Mortuary Machine

Hearthstone Saviours of Uldum card reveal: Mortuary Machine

Hearthstone’s next expansion, Saviours of Uldum, launches on August 6, and will continue the League of Evil’s dastardly plot that kicked off with Rise of Shadows. As ever, we’ve got an exclusive new card to reveal for you, to help you plan out your decks ahead of time.

This time around, we’re showing off Mortuary Machine. This neutral, five mana, 8/8 mech is an epic minion, and comes with some impressive stats, but you’ll want to be aware of its effect, which reads “after your opponent plays a minion, give it Reborn.”

‘Reborn’ is a new mechanic set to be introduced with Saviours of Uldum. Minions that have the effect don’t die the first time you reduce their health to zero. Instead, they return to life on one health, ready to fight another day. For your minions, that’s great, but giving that buff to your opponent? Not so good. Thankfully, there are some ways to ensure that Mortuary Machine doesn’t just hand your foe an easy victory.

RELATED LINKS: Best Hearthstone decks, Hearthstone Year of the Dragon, Free card games
Hearthstone Saviours of Uldum card reveal: Mortuary Machine Hearthstone Saviours of Uldum card reveal: Mortuary Machine Reviewed by Unknown on July 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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