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Mortal Kombat 11's Joker Skins Are Disappointing | Game Rant

Mortal Kombat 11's Joker character DLC is slated for release in a couple days on January 28. Recently, options for his skins and equipment were made readily available for fans' viewing pleasure, and not all fans are pleased, to say the least. This is due to some of Mortal Kombat 11's odd choices for options that may be a little too unique, while options that resemble familiar characteristics of the Joker appear to be completely absent.

While the first set of Joker skins comprises Joker in a formal jacket and slacks combination, with different colors, cuts and accessories to choose from, the second set of skins surprised fans with a more steampunk style of visualization. These are interesting skins for sure, but they're not what fans expected.

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Among fans who are disappointed with these choices, some may be even more bothered by the bloody eight-ball that remains in his left eye socket for these options. Many fans were hoping that the Joker's equipment and skin choices in Mortal Kombat 11 would reflect more closely the appearances of the Joker's inclusion in various comics and movies more closely.

Given that some of the options allow drastic changes to the Joker's head and face in Mortal Kombat 11, including hair styles, it is not surprising that some fans may be wondering why they did not merely provide obvious appearance options for the Joker that are more in-tune with the style and looks of some of modern history's favorite versions of Joker.

For example, gel-laden, slicked back hair or greecy and loosely hanging hair options would have been a welcome addition to make the joker easily more in-line with his appearances in 2019's Joker film, as well as the Joker portrayed by Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight film. The option for different facial make-up changes, such as the blue paint around the eyes as seen in 2019's Joker film, would have given enough customization options for fans to more closely create versions of the Joker they wished. Given that some of the appearance options do not even resemble previously known Joker versions, or less favorite or known versions, it is apparent why fans view these options as missed opportunities.

Some may argue that licensing issues and royalties could be a concern, but this is probably doubtful if Mortal Kombat 11's developers are careful to allow for individual options for particular clothing features and additions to the face and head so fans can create the resemblances themselves. There is still hope, as additional Mortal Kombat 11 skins are known to be released later on, after release. Given that Mortal Kombat 11's developers were open to making more nuanced changes down the road, potentially in response to fan-reactions, is a hopeful sign that the future may still open the doors for more welcoming options.

For example, last summer, there was similar fan backlash to the original Joker design for Mortal Kombat 11, with many deeming his appearance too bland looking. Some fans even poked fun of its original design as looking too similar to a parody version of the Joker featured in an adult film.

Developers made subtle changes to the Joker's design later on, giving him a more hooked nose, slightly more sleazy looking aesthetics, and a more creepy overall appearance akin to the Joker fans know and love. This has resulted in the face of the current Joker slated for release in a couple days, which many fans consider to be a great improvement over the original concept.

More options will certainly be better if Mortal Kombat 11's developers can release them later on, but sticking to options that resemble familiar territory seems to be a more safe path in pleasing fans.

Mortal Kombat 11's Joker DLC content is scheduled for release on January 28, 2020.

MORE: Mortal Kombat 11 Joker Brutality Shows the Clown Prince's Softer Side

Mortal Kombat 11's Joker Skins Are Disappointing | Game Rant Mortal Kombat 11's Joker Skins Are Disappointing | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on January 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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