Where's the Borderlands 3 Spring 2020 DLC Roadmap? | Game Rant

Shortly after the release of Borderlands 3, Gearbox released a content roadmap detailing what was to come as DLC in the fall and winter of 2019. This was composed of the game's first seasonal event, Bloody Harvest; the first iteration of an endgame activity known as Takedowns, the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite; and the game's first major story DLC, which was left as a mystery at first but later revealed to be Mad Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot. But, as the holidays end and business returns to normal, many may be wondering where the next content roadmap is.
Before moving forward, it's worth mentioning that this first Borderlands 3 roadmap could be viewed as either a one-off or the establishment of a pattern. If it's the former, then it was something for fans to end 2019 with before receiving something more substantial in 2020, but if it's the latter, then players can reasonably expect to see another event take hold next, followed by a new Takedown activity, and then finally a new story DLC. Presumably, this structure is of benefit to Gearbox and players, so it'll serve as a basis of speculation.
Therefore, the roadmap should logically be revealed prior to the next event, but looking at a calendar suggests that the next event would be for Valentine's Day. In other words, it could be more than a month off, if it were to begin around that time. Given that the holidays just took place and many working on Borderlands 3 may have not fully returned as of this writing, this doesn't seem impossible. Although, fans may feel as if they are receiving too big of a break after being spoiled with a plethora of new content (except for those playing Borderlands 3 on Stadia).
Regardless, since post-launch support is so important to games like Borderlands 3, it's highly doubtful that anything would start after February, also meaning that the roadmap would need to be made available before then. It seems safe to say that the best bet would be for this to happen some time this month, but as to when exactly, that's anyone's guess.
However, that hasn't stopped some from guessing. YouTuber JorRaptor, for example, recently made the claim that a full 2020 roadmap, not just for the spring, will be revealed during a Borderlands Show taking place the week of January 20. This does make sense, as there would be sufficient time after the holidays for habits to return and set in, and for final touches to any necessary content to be made. Furthermore, JorRaptor claim that Borderlands 3 isn't just basing seasonal events on real-life holidays like Halloween, suggesting that the next event itself will begin that very same week of the roadmap reveal.
Whether or not this proves to be the case and how Gearbox intends to approach 2020 remains to be seen, but it does make a lot of sense, as timing every event around a holiday would be hard to pattern. Creating events also adds variety to the game that many would welcome, not to mention the very thought of a full 2020 Borderlands 3 roadmap. This would provide players with a better view of what's to come, but again, that's not confirmed to be happening at this time.
Building on this, it would stand to reason that an event dropping at the end of January (potentially continuing into March) would suggest a new Takedown in mid-to-late February, followed by another story DLC in March. Given that Bloody Harvest began in October and ran until December, the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite was added in mid-November, and Mad Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot launched on December 19, it's a logical pattern for Borderlands 3 to follow.
All in all, the next content roadmap, whether it's for the whole of 2020 or just spring 2020, should be dropping sooner rather than later. Hopefully, Borderlands 3 continues strong with that roadmap and throughout 2020.
Borderlands 3 is out now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

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