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Rainbow Six Siege Operator Being Deactivated for Third Time

With Rainbow Six Siege's Season 5 officially up and running, there are some major changes coming to the game coming this year. Yet despite Siege's biggest tournament being in its rear view mirror, the game seems to have started out its marathon of new content and changes after such a big event with a bit of a face plant.

Said face plant concerns one of the Operators in particular, who goes by the code name Clash. As one of Rainbow Six Siege's Defender Operators, she brings a powerful riot shield to battle that is completely impenetrable to enemy fire, allowing her to become a living wall when necessary. The shield can also electrify foes, stunning them momentarily. Certainly useful, but it has become more useful than it was supposed to be as of late.

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Clash has been removed from the game due to a bug with her shield that made it very over-powered. The shield is meant to be impenetrable both ways, but the bug allowed Clash's teammates to fire their weapons through it from her side (the safe side) of the shield. This allowed one or two Clash players to form a nigh-on invincible mobile turret for a teammate that could easily mow down stunned foes. This removal comes only a few months after Clash was re-introuced to Siege after a different bug fix.

In fact, this marks the third time that Clash has been removed from Siege for what was supposed to be a quick bug fix. Astoundingly, each removal has been for an entirely different bug, with the first allowing her to fire her primary while holding her shield (she is not supposed to be able to do that) and the second showing her shield extended while she actually had her primary weapon drawn. Needless to say, many players are already suspecting she may soon get a Tachanka style rework.

The fact that Siege has problems of this level is definitely not a good look on a competitive shooter, especially not one that has been around as long as Siege and with such a dedicated community. No one wants Siege to transition into the next console generation with an Operator who continuously has to be removed every few months, especially players who have paid for that Operator.

The big hope is that, one way or another, this will be the last time Clash makes an exit from the game due to bugs related to her mechanics, but considering she's been a problem from the start, chances are no one is holding their breath. There is still a lot of time for things to be turned around, and a whole lot of changes are scheduled for Siege Seasons 5 and 6, so whether she just gets fixed, or gets a full rework, there are few reasons to be pessimistic about her return to the game. Only time will tell.

Rainbow Six Siege is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Source: IGN

Rainbow Six Siege Operator Being Deactivated for Third Time Rainbow Six Siege Operator Being Deactivated for Third Time Reviewed by Unknown on February 21, 2020 Rating: 5

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