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The Witcher 3: Triss’ 10 Best Quotes | Game Rant

Triss has been one of the more divisive characters for the fanbase in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Throughout the series she’s been Geralt’s main love interest and closest ally, once his memory returns and he realizes the relationship he had with her friend Yennefer this understandably complicates things.

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Devoting herself to the protection of fellow mages Triss has become something of a leader and powerful figure in the underground fight and later becomes head of the Council. This strong and sensitive woman has some great moments in the game with some interesting lines giving an insight into her character.

10 Zoltan Moves In

At the end of Blood & Wine Geralt and Triss catch up on what they’ve been up to. Geralt curiously asks how Triss was able to find him and she replies that she used Hydromancy, a type of divination, to locate him.

Intrigued he asks her what else she saw about the two of them while scrying for his location. In a somber tone she trolls him with perhaps one of the most ominous and hilarious moments in the entire game, “Zoltan Moves In.” The prospect of Geralt’s colorful dwarven friend spending his days with the couple in their dream home is indeed a terrifying and laugh out loud visual.

9 Escape To Forget

After Geralt recovers his memory it creates something of a rift between him and Triss. Triss who’s fallen desperately in love with the witcher is terrified at the prospect of losing him so she throws herself into various activities to avoid thinking about it.

When discussing one of Geralt’s friends who always had a cheery disposition, even when he lost both of his legs Geralt comments that the man was running from his problems rather than facing them. Triss justifies the friend’s inability to face reality and her own inability to do so by saying, “Sometimes you have to escape just to forget.”

8 Valiant Suffering

Though he’s skilled with the combat against both man and beast, Geralt lacks many of the social graces and fashion sense that comes with proper living and luxurious settings. He and Triss seek to infiltrate a masked ball and to do so he must wear a fancy doublet.

Immediately he complains about how it chaffs his armpits and the general discomfort of the garment. Tickled by his predicament Triss mocks him with this comment, “I’ll be sure to admire your valiant suffering the whole time.”

7 From Sewers To Luxury

Once at the ball Triss revels in the wine, merriment, and luxurious atmosphere of the festival. Taking a moment to soak it all in she takes a few sips of wine and says, “It’s been so long since I’ve been to a feast, ball or reception. Amazingly pleasant change from the sewers of Novigrad.”

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It’s filled with a bit of bitterness as Novigrad was supposed to be a place of safety and opportunity for Triss and other mages before cultists decided to villainize and hunt them down for financial gain.

6 Dream

With the persecution of the mages Triss is devoted to finding a way to create a place where they can be safe and live in peace. To do so she must step into the world of politics and use her connections and skills to secure that peace.

After telling Geralt she accepted the position of head of the Council he responds with surprise that she would dive head first back into the Great Game. Triss doesn’t seem too thrilled about it, but reveals her motivation for doing so, “The dream’s within reach now. I’m not about to let it go.”

5 Waving A Handkerchief

After securing safe passage for the mages out of Novigrad Geralt asks Triss to stay with him to which she responds she can’t. She boards the ship and seemingly leaves. To Geralt’s surprise she returns, stating that she couldn’t leave him given the feelings they have for each other.

Discussing the moment Geralt asks her how she pictured that moment occurring, given she hadn’t planned on staying. Smiling Triss replies, “I imagined I’d be on the ship with the rest of them. And you’d be on the shore, waving a handkerchief.” It’s an amusing visual, a teary eyed Geralt in bloody armor waving a handkerchief as his sweetheart sales away.

4 Cruel World

Everything Triss does is to secure her ideal future, a life of comfort and peace with someone she cares about. Unfortunately life is rarely so perfect and compromises often have to be made, especially when you’re a sorceress and the one you love is a witcher.

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While talking to Geralt about her future and what she wants from both it and him she gives this bleak response, “It’s a cruel world we live in. It’s hard to make plans. Even harder to invest any faith in them, though you might want to…badly…”

3 Permanent Home

For most of their lives both together and apart Triss and Geralt have never really been able to settle down and make anywhere permanent. Even Kaer Morhen has been a temporary resting place between necessary adventures to save the world and each other.

Now it seems that the ability to have a home, live in a land at peace, and have a normal life is within their grasp. Triss marvels at it and completely understands why Geralt is hesitant to settle down, “It’s a big deal, resettling, to a permanent home.”

2 Some Other Horror

At the end of Blood & Wine when the dangers have been all but eradicated and there’s nothing left but politics and home life Triss admits that it’s hard to imagine it can all be so simple. While dealing with taxes, trade deals, and petty squabbles as head of the Council is boring and dull, she admits it’s better than the near death experiences they’ve both had.

Even now she confesses that it doesn’t seem real or that it’ll last, “Sometimes I think it’s all too lovely to be true… That something’s bound to happen, another war or some other horror.”

1 Three Things To Win A War

Shortly after encountering Triss in Novigrad he assists her in recovering some of her belongings from the chilly canal where they were abandoned. Marveling at the state of the city and the danger the mages are in he asks her what happened.

She responds that the war with Radovid V sparked desperation and that the church of Eternal Fire turned on the mage population to secure the three things needed for war they could take from the mages by killing them, “Winning a war takes three things. Coin, coin, and even more coin.”

NEXT: The Witcher 3: The Hardest Decisions During Hearts Of Stone (And Their Consequences)

The Witcher 3: Triss’ 10 Best Quotes | Game Rant The Witcher 3: Triss’ 10 Best Quotes | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on February 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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