Final Fantasy VIII - Remastered: 10 Hilarious Memes Only True Fans Understand
Final Fantasy VIII has recently been remastered. Fans of the series immediately bought the game when it was released and started enjoying playing hours of the RPG. The meme lords of the internet also haven't skipped a beat on coming up with the dankest memes this side of Square-Enix.
Memes are some of the most popular ways that a fan base can connect with each other online, and Final Fantasy is no different. Several fans have already created memes about their favorite characters of the JRPG and Final Fantasy VIII has a lot of memes made in its honor. Without further delay, here are the 10 most hilarious Final Fantasy VIII Remastered memes that only real fans will understand.
10 Similar Face Tattoos
This meme sets to prove that one of the best fighters in real life is a fan of Final Fantasy VIII, and it brings up some solid points. The meme boldly points out the similarities between Mike Tyson and Zell Dincht's face tattoo, and how the famous boxer got his after the game's release. It also mentions the brawler fighting style between the two.
Given that Zell is one of the strongest characters in Final Fantasy, this meme might not be far from the truth.
9 Dwight Facts
Answering the question "Which is the best Final Fantasy?" might be a controversial topic to discuss among certain fans, and it may even be enough to break up friendships. This meme is tossing all that aside and declaring some harsh realities. Still, there are those that will always wholeheartedly disagree.
Love him or hate him, Dwight Schrute from The Office isn't one to dance around the truth. Whoever is your favorite villain of the series, Kefka was still one evil, manipulative, and all around bad dude even if he doesn't get as much screen time as Sephiroth.
8 Selphie The Computer Wiz
There comes a time in every RPG when a little bit of poking around to find the next objective is required. Final Fantasy is no different in that regard; which is something this meme highlights. Specifically, that moment with the perfect amount of humor behind it.
Of course, there is some truth behind the joke. When you get stuck in a particularly difficult area of the game, it never hurts to spam the action button to try to get out of the situation!
7 Anti-Social Squall
For someone who is portrayed as anti-social, Squall is always down to play cards with strangers. Even when the fate of the world is in danger and immediate action is needed to save it, Squall is still looking for another card game to play.
Of course, the Final Fantasy series has always given players plenty to do other than to complete the main quest. Part of the fun is getting distracted with the smaller side missions that fill the game up.
6 I Have Feelings For Rinoa
This hilarious tweet uses the Despicable Me meme to perfectly some-up Squall's relationship with Rinoa. Sometimes the main character can't help who they fall for, and that's exactly what happens to the anti-social protagonist, Squall.
The romantic storyline of Final Fantasy VIII is a lot of people's favorite part. In fact, Squall and Rinoa are one of the most iconic couples in the entire Final Fantasy franchise besides Cloud and Tifa!
5 Final Fantasy Ate Remastered
Someone thought it would be funny to adjust the appearance of the characters in Final Fantasy VIII, and they were right. In this version of Final Fantasy, everyone is overweight and it looks more like a family portrait on Facebook than a list of characters from a JRPG.
What is really impressive is the level of detail that when into this. The shading on the double chins is so lifelike, not to mention that they even added weight to Zell's thumb.
4 Not You
This meme might hit a little close to home for some readers. Although the Final Fantasy VIII was eventually released on the switch, you could only buy the physical copies in Asian countries. Not that this actually stopped hardcore fans from getting their hands on one, anyway.
But for a while, there was no Final Fantasy VIII on the Nintendo Switch and that really upset fans of the series. When news of the limited release finally came out, a lot of people rushed to get their hands on the Switch version of their favorite game.
3 Selphie Mode
Final Fantasy VIII was released in the late '90s, which was the time before Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram even existed. In many ways, Selphie and her Garden Festival Committee at Balamb Garden were an early form of social media.
The fact that her name is so on the nose is perfect for this comic relief character and her bubbly personality. Selphie is definitely one of the fan favorites of Final Fantasy VIII.
2 Not Every Hero Wears A Cape
This meme of Ant-Man is him returning after a long hiatus in the quantum realm during Avengers: Endgame. The idea that the original team of developers is returning for the remastered version is enough to excite any skeptical fan.
The effort that Square-Enix put into Final Fantasy VIII really showed during the entire gameplay. There have been so many attempts to remake older games that end up turning out worse. Fortunately, the developers of Final Fantasy take the remastered versions of their games as seriously as an original release.
1 Best Looking Guy Here
Perhaps one of the most popular memes that came out of the original Final Fantasy VIII was the scene where Rinoa approaches Squall and complements his looks. The graphics of the original version of the game are limited, so it resulted in an awkward pixelated face for Squall.
The countless memes that followed immortalized it on the internet. Now, the remastered version brings a much-needed update to the protagonist's look. Still, people will never forget the irony of the low-quality image during that scene.
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