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10 Reasons Why The Forgotten World Of Warcraft TTRPG Is A Must-Try

Players of World of Warcraft likely have imagined their in-game characters exploring Azeroth. Thanks to the depth of Azeroth's lore in the Warcraft series, players can walk around places such as Dalaran, Stormwind, and Orgrimmar as though they were living cities. However, players can find a way to create their own Warcraft story thanks to White Wolf Publishing. World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game makes a tabletop RPG Warcraft possible.

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The Warcraft TTRPG started as Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game back in 2003 before it got renamed to World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game in 2005. And while the game didn't get the same global appeal as Dungeons & Dragons, this tabletop RPG is perfect for Warcraft fans who want to add a TTRPG spin to their experience.

10 If You Play D&D, You're Good To Go

Many players hesitate to transition from video games into the TTRPG scene due to the rather complex learning curve. Thankfully, such isn't the case with Warcraft RPG. The game uses the d20 Roleplaying System, the same system that Dungeons & Dragons uses. As such, players familiar with D&D will likely find themselves at home with Warcraft RPG.

However, this factoid doesn't mean Warcraft RPG copied D&D's core mechanics. Instead, it means that while specific feature names and technicalities are different from D&D, they use a common set of mechanics. In short, players have to roll a D20 to make a check, with modifiers and bonuses helping the roll succeed.

9 Play A Class That's Exclusive To Warcraft

Many MMO players hesitate to try out TTRPGs since they offer almost the same kind of class as they do with MMORPGs. However, Warcraft RPG doesn't just provide staple WoW classes. Instead, they also offer specialized roles and archetypes only seen in the games. This news can encourage long-time RTS fans to try the TTRPG, as units such as Beastmasters, Archmagi of Kirin Tor, Fel-Sworn, and Duelists are simply special units, but never playable in the MMO.

8 Play A Race Outside RPG Stereotypes

Players who encounter fantasy races in any kind of TTRPG will likely attach certain stereotypes with them. For instance, elves look amazing and love magic, dwarves are short and are walking slander lawsuits, and orcs don't appeal to the eyes. Whether it's D&D or other games, stereotypes like these make it seem as though races fit inside a box.

Not Warcraft RPG, as this TTRPG takes the complexity of Warcraft's lore and applies them to their race options. As such, races in Warcraft RPG have a particular complexity not necessarily present in other franchises. For instance, High Elves have a specific thirst for arcane magic, and their Night Elf counterparts are very aloof towards other races.

7 Explore Azeroth On Your Terms

Exploration served as one of the best offerings of World of Warcraft across its many expansions. Players who got their mounts (and especially the flying outs) will likely have tried exploring the depths of Azeroth. There exists a richness in Warcraft's open world that makes it more alive and dynamic. However, Warcraft RPG lets players explore Azeroth on their terms and make their mark as heroes.

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Depending on the quest and the campaign, players can explore towns and cities to aid them in their respective troubles. Likewise, players can finally take "the road not taken" and wreak havoc as evil characters. Either way, Warcraft RPG removes both the graphical and gameplay barriers that prevent players from exploring the depths of Azeroth.

6 Have An Adventure In A Familiar Setting

Players having to read a ton of lore on a new campaign can be quite a drag for any TTRPG. However, Warcraft fans interested in Warcraft RPG don't necessarily have to read through pages' worth of lore to understand the campaign setting. Unlike D&D that needs Dungeon Masters to craft unique worlds, they simply need to take an aspect of Warcraft lore and make their story to play its TTRPG variant.

5 Spells And Skills Are Useful Outside Battle

One substantial advantage TTRPGs have over MMOs is the former's ability to rely on spells and skills outside of combat. Thanks to the nature of most skills in TTRPGs, players can use their character's natural abilities to aid in their quests. Moreover, Warcraft RPG also "translates" its roster of combat spells and skills into tools players can use inside and outside of combat.

This gameplay mechanic also serves as a great way to expand player imagination. Players can finally think about creative ways to use their existing roster of spells and abilities. Thanks to this feature, characters not only become extremely versatile, but this will force players to be more imaginative with their roleplaying.

4 Alliance VS Horde Without The Same Cast

Players who want alternative takes on the Alliance versus Horde dynamic will appreciate Warcraft RPG. The TTRPG encourages players to choose an allegiance, despite the possibility of staying neutral to the Alliance versus Horde conflict. According to the TTRPG, choosing to stay neutral and play a campaign outside the Warcraft dynamic might make characters seem like playing a generic fantasy story.

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The TTRPG also makes an effort to explain the dynamics of Alliance and Horde characters. For instance, Alliance characters focus on unity and order, while their Horde counterparts focus more on spirituality and harmony. However, perhaps the best part of this concept is that Warcraft RPG lets players know they can make captivating Alliance or Horde-centric stories without the usual cast of Warcraft characters.

3 Technology Has Dedicated Mechanics

In a lot of D&D campaigns, DMs usually have to homebrew their way into introducing technology into their settings. Unfortunately, homebrewing mechanics and rules on technology in a campaign can easily break the balance of the game. Thankfully, Warcraft RPG makes ado with this conflict by introducing a section dedicated to technology.

Since the Warcraft franchise introduced the technological ingenuity of goblins and dwarves, it makes sense to add them to its TTRPG version. What makes Warcraft RPG's tech section awesome is it offers DMs fast and easy ways to integrate technological ideas into their campaigns.

2 Build Your Communities, RTS Style

Players who love the original Warcraft games can still enjoy both the RTS and the MMO through the TTRPG. Aside from "converting" MMO mechanics into a TTRPG format, Warcraft RPG helps DMs make realistic settings through its Community Section. These mechanics let DMs build unique cities through different "templates" (Civilian, Military, Arcane, Religious Communities) as well as different feats or features they may contain. This section allows players to mix and match special community characteristics with things such as defensive options, community behavior, and even special events.

These rules also make it much easier for DMs to create different cities for their settings. Community mechanics in Warcraft RPG help players focus more on the story by making world-building easier for DMs.

1 Tell A Personal Warcraft Story

Fans can get so worked up with World of Warcraft not just because of gameplay but also the ongoing story. Many things have happened since Warcraft 3, and WoW currently has a rather vast slate of characters interacting and continuously changing Azeroth. As players, working with new premises with each expansion can be a downer. With Warcraft RPG, though, gamers can set the story and be a part of the journey. In Warcraft RPG, players control their character's destinies.

In terms of canon, events in Warcraft RPG can't be considered canonical to the main story. However, Warcraft RPG does set itself after the events of The Frozen Throne. This setting means players have a chance not just to change the fate of a lot of characters, but form a narrative of their own.

NEXT: World of Warcraft Classic: All The Classes, Ranked

10 Reasons Why The Forgotten World Of Warcraft TTRPG Is A Must-Try 10 Reasons Why The Forgotten World Of Warcraft TTRPG Is A Must-Try Reviewed by Unknown on June 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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