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Minecraft Dungeons: 5 Things We Want To See In Jungle Awakens DLC (& 5 We Don't)

Minecraft Dungeons players are already set to dive into the games two announced DLC dropping this year. The first, Jungle Awakens, is scheduled for release sometime next month and has fans wondering what kind of additions will be added to the game. Will it be just new levels to explore?Maybe even new mobs to do battle with. Or will there be new mechanics used to expand its gameplay loop?

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Whatever the case, Minecraft Dungeons is adding a fan-favorite biome, and its nothing like a new area to explore to make the game feel fresh again. Here are 5 things we hope to see in the Jungle Awakens dlc (& 5 we don't).

10 Want: Jungle Temple

A Jungle Temple would be the perfect setting for Minecraft Dungeons. Players familiar with them can attest to the dangers and rewards of exploring the mossy structures. With boobytraps around every corner, it would be the perfect test of the player's skill. The Desert Temples have already been used, so it would only make sense for there to be level set in a Jungle Temple. The DLC is called Jungle Awakens after all.

9 Don't: Microtransactions

No one wants to see microtransactions added to Minecraft Dungeons. Loot drops at an acceptable rate to where there isn't a need for play to win mechanics. The game we have now is an excellent start and has what is necessary to keep growing from there, as the developers flesh out the game, hopefully through updates and DLC.

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Microtransactions would take away from what the game is truly about, which is the grinding and exploration. Keep these types of things away, and focus on additons to gameplay to maintain freshness.

8 Want: Trading

One feature currently missing from the game is the ability for players to trade the items that they find during their adventures. Too many times players find themselves with an item that isn't useful to their current build. With the option to trade weapons, armor, and artifacts, this would increase the value of everything players just end up hoarding while playing. The game does allow for salvaging these items for emeralds, but the amount players receive for doing so is very small and not worth the time.

7 Don't: Mining

This one feels weird to say, but yes, mining is one thing that shouldn't be added to the game. Minecraft Dungeons is doing something very different from what you'd expect, and that is the beauty of it. Players are being given something new in comparison to the standard Minecraft experience, and it would be the best for the game if it explored these differences, versus trying to make it feel like something that has been done before.

6 Want: Camp Customization

So far the camp area is fairly basic. There are two vendors present, some livestock, and a few buildings for the players to see. It would be interesting to see this part of the game fleshed out with more explorable areas, or even some form of customization.

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Players could be given the option of placing items in or around the camp to give it a more personalized feel. When playing online other players could view these additions when joining a game.

5 Don't: Bugs

Offering DLC allows developers the opportunity to not only add content but to fix things that may have been wrong from a previous build. Then there are the occasions when an update causes issues that weren't existent before. These bugs are an annoyance to players and can stifle the enjoyment of the game. Minecraft Dungeons has had minimal issues since launch, so that is a good sign that any additional content should release smoothly and without delay.

4 Want: More Loot

One way to keep players coming back for more is to keep the loot varied. Minecraft Dungeons already has a huge amount of gear to collect while playing through the main story, but eventually players will get tired of seeing the same drops over and over. Adding new equipment through updates and DLC will keep the game feeling new and the players engaged, while also boosting the game's replayability.

3 Don't: Enemy Repetition

One thing that could affect the replayability of Minecraft Dungeons would be over-using enemies players encountered during the main story. It makes sense that some of the normal enemies would reappear in Jungle Awakens, but it would be best if stronger enemies and bosses are ones that haven't been seen before. New mobs to battle will help ensure that the DLC feels like a new experience instead of more of the same. Good thing Minecraft has a good amount of mobs to pick from to help to keep the gameplay varied.

2 Want: Quests

There is only so much that can be done within three levels. Sure, it'll be a new location full of secrets, but the game could use more side quests to complete while exploring. Minecraft Dungeons had a few of these sprinkled throughout the main game, mainly freeing villagers or hitting switches. Adding more of these and making them more challenging is an excellent way to add more meat not only to the DLC but the game as a whole.

1 Don't: Shortness

One of the worse things is purchasing DLC for a game only to find out there isn't much new content to play. The DLC doesn't have to be as large as the main game, but it should be a decent size to justify the investment of the player's time and money. Jungle Awakens will include 3 additional levels, if they're like the rest of Minecraft Dungeons, they'll include well-designed areas to explore and tons of secrets to find, that players will want to explore again and again.

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Minecraft Dungeons: 5 Things We Want To See In Jungle Awakens DLC (& 5 We Don't) Minecraft Dungeons: 5 Things We Want To See In Jungle Awakens DLC (& 5 We Don't) Reviewed by Unknown on June 23, 2020 Rating: 5

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