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Neil Druckmann Comments on the Possibility of The Last of Us 3

This past Friday, The Last of Us 2 hit the world, much to the excitement of fans who have eagerly been awaiting its release since its 2016 announcement. Even though fans are just starting to roll credits on the game, some people are already trying to get information about a possible sequel. In an interview, Neil Druckmann, one of the directors and writers of the game, commented on the possibility of The Last of Us 3, and he said about what fans would expect.

The news comes the way of IndieWire, who conducted a spoiler-filled interview with both Druckmann and Halley Gross, the other writer on The Last of Us 2. The two discussed a number of different things about the game, not just the prospect of a sequel, including its themes, its ending, and more.

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According to Druckmann, while he isn't immediately ruling out the idea of a sequel, he said he would consider it in a similar way to this game, in that it would have to be a story that matches the "emotional core" found in the original, and of course in its subsequent sequel. Druckmann went on to say that if another sequel wouldn't be able to do that, then there would be "no reason to make a part three."

It's also worth pointing out that, unsurprisingly, it doesn't seem like any work on a possible sequel has started. When Druckmann said that he would need to create a story that matches the original, he mentioned that he "currently" has no idea "what that is." Of course, this shouldn't come as a surprise, given how close we are to The Last of Us 2's release, but still, it's good that he mentioned that.

A sequel to the original game was something that, originally, not many people wanted considering how the story ended, and its something that Druckmann was hesitant about at first, so it's not really surprising to see him resistant to the idea of another sequel. That being said, given how The Last of Us 2's story ends, it's not that hard to see how a sequel would be possible.

Without going into spoilers, there are a number of different characters that a sequel or follow-up DLC similar to Left Behind could focus on. Still, no matter what, it doesn't seem like a sequel is coming for a very long time.

The Last of Us 2 is available exclusively on PlayStation 4.

MORE: The Last of Us 2 Coin Locations: Where to Find State Quarters

Source: IndieWire

Neil Druckmann Comments on the Possibility of The Last of Us 3 Neil Druckmann Comments on the Possibility of The Last of Us 3 Reviewed by Unknown on June 23, 2020 Rating: 5

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