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Top 10 Tips To Master Haven Map In Valorant | Game Rant

Haven has three bomb sites, which makes it very unique and difficult to navigate through. The extra bomb site adds a whole new level of complexity to Valorant and demands a completely different approach than usual. The extra corners and lethal blind spots make Haven a tough nut to crack.

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Although it’s easy to get intimated by the extra bomb site, when dealt with properly, Haven can be an easy map to grasp and learn. There are certain Dos and Don’ts that make the overall journey in Haven much simpler. Here are ten tips that will help players to get better and understand Haven better.

10 Defending A Site

A site is all about getting information early and trying to hold off A Long and A Short for as long as one can. Using utilities and abilities to hold off the attacking side players near A Long and A Short, and communicating with the team as to when the enemies are going to execute is very crucial. The best Agents to play on the A site are Breach, Sova, and Cypher.

9 Defending B Site

B site is both hardest to capture and hardest to defend on Haven. With only one real entrance point, defending players can expect major utility usage and a burst of multiple enemies flying in. It’s usually held by a solo player and the task is often daunting. However, it’s easy to rotate on the B site as it is centrally placed between A and C sites. Just like every site, communication is vital for successful defending on the B site. There isn't one perfect Agent for defending B site and it's a very flexible position.

8 Defending C Site

C Site is full of structures and sharp corners. It's better to play passive and wait for enemies as holding sites is much easier when operating on the C site. C long, which is a common spot for an enemy push, can easily be halted by utilities and abilities.

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This also makes Agents with utilities and information gathering capabilities a strong candidate for holding C site. Some of the top tier agents to play on C site are Cypher, Sova, Viper, and Brimstone.

7 Don’t Lose Sight Of Garage

Since there is an extra bomb site in Haven, players often ignore the Garage right between B and C sites. The small wooden room in Garage has access to both B and C sites, making it a very crucial point of control. Players defending often ignore the Garage area of the map, which becomes an easy inlet for the opposing team in most cases. There should always be an Agent guarding the Garage, or at least keeping an eye on its entrances.

6 Attacking A Site

A Long is very similar to C Long, but peeking is forgiving here. Attackers can look for a quick peek or bait the enemies’ utilities and abilities. One can initiate the siege on A site by taking solo fights near Short, peeking angles one at a time, without any teammate’s assistance. A Short is a very good spot for aggressive plays and Agents like Phoenix and Breach are built for it. Peeking in A Long is much easier when compared to C Long as the corner angle is less sharp.

5 ​Attacking B Site

B site is the most forgiving for players that enjoy taking duels. Right off the bat, confident players can take a peek through the mid window. A quick opening kill can help capture the B site instantly.

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Players should try to bait enemy utilities and abilities for a safer infiltration later into the game. The attacking team can push through both Mid and Garage, pressuring multiple sites at once. Once captured, the B site is still very vulnerable as it has multiple entrances to it.

4 Attacking C Site

C site ambush demands proper teamwork and communication. Due to the C site’s layout, it’s very hard to infiltrate and plant the Spike. It’s also important to check before each round that the enemy team doesn’t have any Agent using Operator as it makes the siege much more difficult. The only consistent way of getting kills towards the C side of the map is by holding Mid to Garage and taking skirmishes there. In general, C site attacking is about team coordination and proper execution.

3 Making Fast Rotations

Haven is laid out in such a way, that every bombsite is easily reachable within a brief period. Players should not panic into making hasty decisions as patience is the actual key to succeeding in Haven. Rotations are necessary when playing offense or defense, so players should always pay attention to voice communications or teammates’ pings. Quick rotations often catch the opposing team off-guard, making the round more winnable.

2 Orb Locations

Even though there are three bomb locations in Haven, there are only two Ultimate Orbs. These are present near A Long and C Long side of the map. The Ultimate Orb near the C Long site is more easily accessible by the attacking team, while the one near A Long is more easily accessible by the defending team. Players should always try to secure these Orbs as they can turn the tide of any game by recharging the Ultimate faster.

1 Best Agents To Play

Haven revolves around quick rotations and heavy information gathering. Agents like Cypher, Viper, and Brimstone are capable of solo holding sites while Sova and Sage are good altogether. Jett can be insane when played correctly, but her kit makes her gameplay a very hit or miss. Phoenix is another Agent that is strong in Haven as his flash allows him to be very effective on B site control. He can also self-heal and go aggressive when needed with the help of his Ultimate.

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Top 10 Tips To Master Haven Map In Valorant | Game Rant Top 10 Tips To Master Haven Map In Valorant | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on June 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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