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Ghost Of Tsushima: Release Date & More Details About The Upcoming Game

One of the most anticipated video-games of 2020 is Ghost of Tsushima. The game was first revealed at the Paris Games Week back in 2017, and immediately garnered hype around the gaming community. Ghost of Tsushima is already one of the front runners to take home the Game of the Year award, as Sucker Punch Productions is already known to be one of the best studios in the video-game industry, after their great work on their Infamous series.

Related: 10 Samurai Games To Play If You Are Waiting For Ghost Of Tsushima

A Playstation exclusive title, fans are hoping this one can deliver better than the last big PS4 exclusive, which was the Last of Us Part II. Here is the release date and more details about Ghost of Tsushima.

10 It Releases On July 17, 2020

Barring the possibilities of unforeseen circumstances and emergencies, gamers will be able to get their hands on Ghost of Tsushima on July 17th of this year. The game was originally set to be released on June 26th, but was unfortunately delayed due to the on going Covid-19 pandemic.

This means players could have and should have been already playing the game at this point, which is a bummer. However, the new release date wasn't pushed too far back. Ghost of Tsushima will be able to enjoyed by everyone in just a few weeks from now.

9 It Takes Place In 1274 On The Island Of Tsushima, Japan

Ghost of Tsushima is set in the late 1200's, on the island of Tsushima in Japan. The time in which a game takes place is very important, because it affects the types of weapons and gadgets our player can use. Combat will rely heavily on katanas, bow and arrows, and hand-made smoke bombs.

Feudal Japan has been a time stamp that many people have wanted a video-game to take a stab at recently, and it looks like Ghost of Tsushima will really bring this piece of history to next-gen life.

8 A Japanese Voice Track With Subtitles Will Be Available

A Japanese voice over with subtitles wasn't something many people expected from this game but ever since this feature has been announced, many gamers have already said they will be using this option from day one.

For the most realistic samurai experience, it makes the most sense to have a Japanese voice cast, especially since the game is based in ancient Japan and mythology. Just having this option for players to choose shows the great attention to detail that the people behind the Ghost of Tsushima have.

7 Different Combat Stances Can Be Used In One Fight

Many people are drawing comparisons in regard to combat with Ghost of Tsushima with games such as Assassin's Creed and the Batman: Arkham games. While these are some great franchises to emulate, Ghost of Tsushima is doing things in regard to combat that will make them standout.

Related: Ghost of Tsushima Voice Actor Cast List (As Revealed So Far)

When it comes to sword-fighting, players will be able to smoothly transition between different combat stances. This will be key in becoming a master swordsman, considering each enemy type can be combated better with a certain stance.

6 The Advanced Photo Mode Looks Very Exciting

A feature that is becoming more common in recent games is the photo-mode option and Ghost of Tsushima is looking to raise the bar when it comes to its own photo-mode feature. A multitude of effects such as changing Jin's emotion, different particles, wind direction and so much more will be available to make the moment even more your own.

Players will also be able to shoot videos with their gameplay in photo-mode, with incredible options such as using different musical scores from the game to use in the video.

5 The Game Will Require 50GB Of Storage To Download

The developers at Sucker Punch Productions have promised a sprawling and large map to explore full of things to do. Even with all of this, the game will only come in at around 5oGB of storage, which is less than most of the other games of this kind caliber.

This doesn't necessarily mean the game will be short or small in size, though; it may just mean the game is optimized well enough to not need an enormous amount of hard-drive space for the Playstation 4.

4 Customizable Outfits & Gear Will Affect Play-Style

Players will be able to customize their Jin in many different ways through cosmetics and gear. These cosmetics do more than just change Jin's looks, however, as each item that can be worn has a different attribute boost that will affect your play-style.

This makes customizing Jin even more of a useful than it seems, because the chosen clothing and items will open up more gameplay opportunities as well. Players should take note of these items' pros and cons before strapping them on. Some gamers will certainly be spending many hours making customizing Jin to their exact liking.

3 Players Take Control Of Jin Sakai, The Samurai

Jin Sakai is the main protagonist of Ghost of Tsushima. Jin is a samurai, just one of 80 who are deemed with the task of defending the island of Tsushima from the impending Mongol invasion.

Jin is regarded as one of the deadliest fighters in all of Japan, as he is able to walk the line between both ghost and samurai depending on the situation. Ghost is Jin's stealth play-style where he strikes from the shadows, while his samurai play-style is head on attacks with his katana.

2 There's A Black & White "Samurai Cinema" Filter

Fans of jidaigeki films (aka classic samurai movies) are going to love this filter, which players can enable from the beginning of the game. Ghost of Tsushima is greatly inspired by many samurai classics of the past, so the developers added a grainy black and white filter that makes the game look like the movies that inspired them.

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Something that would be very interesting is having blood be the only color that appears on the screen, giving the game a much more brutal tone to it if enabled.

1 Waypoints Will Look Much Different Than Other Games

The classic waypoint navigation system that has been used in games for years will be scrapped in Ghost of Tsushima. Instead of a directional sign or a point on the map being indicated, the player will need to use their surroundings to find where they need to go.

This can include following the wind, seeing a fire in the distance, or using an animal's tracks to get to the next story mission. Seeing how this will play out in the final game should be very interesting and challenging, as it's a nice fresh take on the otherwise familiar waypoint system of open world games.

Next: Why Ghost of Tsushima's Jin Doesn't Use a Tachi

Ghost Of Tsushima: Release Date & More Details About The Upcoming Game Ghost Of Tsushima: Release Date & More Details About The Upcoming Game Reviewed by Unknown on July 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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