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Ghost Recon: Breakpoint - 10 Most Useful Ability Combinations

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is a tactical shooter RPG that allows players to explore the untamed open world. Up to four players can team up and take part in missions across the map. Together, they complete story missions, events, and some other shenanigans. The game lets players choose from six distinct classes: Assault, Field Medic, Sharpshooter, Panther, Engineer, and Echelon.

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As an RPG, players have the freedom to give their characters a set of skills to tailor specific roles and playstyles. Some ability loadouts are better than others in specific situations. Some more for general use, while others are more specialized. With that being said, here are ten useful ability combinations in Ghost Recon: Breakpoint. 

10 All-Around Combat

Assault + Burst Forth + Close & Personal + Gunslinger

The assault class is an all-around class that's proficient in Assault Rifles and Shotguns. The class' ultimate ability is an all-out Rambo mode wherein recoil is reduced, damage resistance is boosted, and killing heals the player. On top of that, the ultimate's duration extended for each kill, making the ability the perfect outpost sweeper. To complement this guns-blazing playstyle, 'Close & Personal' and 'Gunslinger' would boost the ghost's combat proficiency. 'Close & Personal' increases reload speed and movement speed while aiming down sights, while 'Gunslinger' increases accuracy and handling for every hit. In addition to these two combat abilities, the 'Burst Forth' ability allows the ghost to move faster, and regenerate stamina better. This whole set makes a lethal renegade capable of mowing down packs of wolves.

9 All-Around Survival

Assault + Adrenaline + Cold Blooded + Feel No Pain

Another useful loadout for the assault class would be the ability combo of 'Adrenaline' 'Cold Blooded' and 'Feel No Pain.' This makes the ghost a self-sustaining class who's hard to take down. 'Adrenaline' restores health on melee, but also increases reload speed and accuracy after each melee kill; allowing the user to eliminate all foes near the target. 'Cold Blooded' and 'Feel No Pain' are two crucial survival abilities that can help in combat. 'Cold Blooded' hastens health regeneration, while 'Feel No Pain' makes the user immune to critical injury and more resistant to leg-crushing falls.

8 Infiltration

Panther + Adrenaline + Sixth Sense + Gunslinger

The panther is a stealthy class that moves about nimbler and quieter. His ultimate ability has him disappear in a cloud of smoke so that all enemies lose sight of him. On top of that, suppressors have no damage debuffs for this class. As a sneaky saboteur, it would be redundant to give him sneaky abilities such as 'Slim Shadow.'

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In this case, he could better utilize 'Sixth Sense,' a recon ability that immediately tags nearby enemies. This immediately spots threats and targets when sneaking about a base. 'Adrenaline,' the health-restore-on-melee ability, will also be maximized given the class' stealth. 'Gunslinger' would allow him to silently take out groups of enemies, and serves as an equalizer when spotted.

7 Anti-Drone Special Ops

Panther + Sensor Hack + Drone Hunter + Close & Personal

The panther class is hard to detect, but the eyes in the sky may say otherwise. 'Sensor Hack' makes it harder for drones, both on ground and airborne, to detect the user. The ability also boosts damage dealt to them. 'Drone Hunter' heals the user for every drone killed, and the effect also applies to allies. 'Close & Personal' increases reload speed and movement speed while aiming, allowing the user to better deal with drones and infantry units. This loadout doesn't deal exclusively with drones, but it gives the user an effective counter-measure against the pesky things.

6 Team Support

Field Medic + Revivalist + Inspired + Feel No Pain

The field medic can revive allies faster and carry their bodies much quicker to allow for an effective retreat. The class' ultimate ability is a healing drone that heals and revives teammates. The user can also use the ability on himself for a self-revive. The 'Revivalist' perk can maximize the medic's revive proficiency since the ability grants more movement and damage resistance buffs when an ally is downed. The 'Inspired' perk heals the user each time an ally kills an enemy. 'Feel No Pain' immunizes the user from crippling injuries, allowing the medic to perform his role better. This ability loadout adds to the team player attributes of the medic.

5 Battle Medic

Field Medic + Revivalist + Burst Forth + Cold Blooded

Because of the medic's self-revive ability, he is a force to be reckoned with even on his own. 'Burst Forth' makes him move faster and spend less stamina, allowing him to rush to the aid of his team. 'Cold Blooded' allows him to regenerate health faster. These two paired together give the medic better survivability.

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This not only helps in sustaining the team but also helps the medic fend off foes and dish out damage. 'Revivalist' should come with the medic class like fries to a burger. Though it's not required, it's highly recommended to amplify his role.

4 Camper

Sharpshooter + Ballistic Advantage + Gunslinger + Cold Blooded

The sharpshooter is a marksman class that excels in long-range assassination, recon, and sabotage. His ultimate ability is activating his penetrating bullets with higher damage and velocity. As a long-range combatant, 'Ballistic Advantage' increases range and reduces recoil, and 'Gunslinger' increases accuracy and handling after every hit. This enables better handling of a sniper rifle. The regenerative 'Cold Blooded' ability allows the sniper to replenish health faster, enabling him to gun down the enemies that shoot at him with their medium-range Assault Rifles and SMGs. This also helps him to rinse and repeat once he's been spotted.

3 I See You

Sharpshooter + Rolling Thunder + Sensor Hack + Recon Mastery

It's important for a sniper to see his enemies. 'Recon Mastery' reduces technique cooldown, enabling for quicker deployment of the sharpshooter's penetrating bullets. 'Rolling Thunder' increases overall sniper damage, giving the sniper hard-hitting rounds. The faster technique recharge paired with the higher damage output allows the user to take out all tagged enemies even behind walls and cover. The 'Rolling Thunder' ability also buffs sniper damage to drones. 'Sensor Hack' makes the user harder to detect via drone, and also increases overall damage to drones. This gives the sniper a countermeasure to drones to compensate for a low rate-of-fire.

2 Behemoth Destroyer

Engineer + Drone Hunter + Sensor Hack + Explosives Expert

The engineer is a DLC exclusive free class that is ironically the demolitions expert of the crew. He does bonus damage to drones, and deals bonus explosive damage. This makes him effective against non-infantry units such as land-drones and manned vehicles. 'Drone Hunter' is a complement to his skills since it heals the user for every drone exterminated.'Sensor Hack' makes the engineer less likely to be spotted by drones, and also boosts his damage to them.

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'Explosives Expert' is the grand cherry on top. It increases the blast radius of all items, explosives especially. It boosts explosive damage, and increases the launch distance significantly. This loadout not only allows the Engineer to deal with pesky flying drones, but tanky land drones as well. Most especially the gargantuan behemoth.

1 Sam Fisher

Echelon + Pistolero + Slim Shadow +  Sixth Sense

Ever wanted to be Sam Fisher? The Echelon class lets players do just that. Echelons are stealthy in the shadows, and have major handgun bonuses. The echelon's ultimate ability is Sonar Vision. This lets echelons see enemies through walls. As a class with mastery of the pistol,  'Pistolero' is the perfect complement to the class. On top of granting bonus pistol damage, this ability lowers technique cooldown when using a pistol, allowing the echelon to trigger sonar vision more often. 'Sixth Sense' tags nearby enemies as the echelon lurks about the base, giving him more environmental awareness. 'Slim Shadow' makes the user more stealthy and nimble, compensating for the echelon's lack of stealth over the panther. This loadout gives players the necessary skills to Splinter Cell a base Sam Fisher style.

NEXT: Ghost Recon Breakpoint: 10 Reasons Why Having AI Teammates Is Better For The Game

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint - 10 Most Useful Ability Combinations Ghost Recon: Breakpoint - 10 Most Useful Ability Combinations Reviewed by Unknown on July 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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