Kingdom Hearts 3: The Best Order For The Limit Cut Data Battles

Kingdom Hearts 3 introduced Limit Cut Data bosses, completely optional battles scattered throughout the game that Sora can take on in order to level up, get achievements, and test his skills. There are 13 bosses in total, one for each of the 13 vessels of darkness. The battles range in difficulty, so it's important for players to take them on in a responsible manner if they want to win them all.
The Limit Cut bosses will be bringing back some iconic fighting styles from the previous games, along with new and improved moves that are sure to be a challenge. Finishing these hardcore battles will unlock secret endings in the game, so now is the time to beat them all. Here is the best order to tackle the deadly bosses, from easiest to hardest.
13 Riku Replica

The dark Riku replica is the easiest of the Limit Cut bosses in Kingdom Hearts 3, making him the first one Sora should try to tackle in order to get a feel of how the following, more challenging battles will occur.
Riku deals both short and long-range attacks along with an unblockable shockwave move that Sora needs to dodge. Avoid him when he's defending with his shield and attack him before he teleports away.
12 Larxene

Larxene is a good second boss to defeat, for her level is lower than many of the other Limit Cut bosses. Sora has to be careful to avoid her super quick lightning attacks, powerful shockwaves, and attacking clones.
In between her attacks, Larxene leaves small openings for Sora to run forward and lay a string of blows on her. She's tricky and can take Sora out pretty quickly if he's not prepared for this battle.
11 Luxord

As fans of the series could expect, Luxord fights in a different style than the rest of the antagonists. His battle is in a series of mini-games that Sora has to win in order to beat the Organization 13 member.
There is a health time gauge game, a card breaking game, and the classic "Luxord hiding behind a card" game that has been seen many times before in the Kingdom Hearts series. The games can get a little tricky to win but are still fairly easy compared to the other Limit Cut battles.
10 Xigbar

This teleporting sharpshooter brings back some of his classic long-range fighting moves that Sora has seen in battle before, including his bullet barrages, field laser attacks, and his deadly fatal barrage attack. A good way to take this Organization 13 member out of commission is by using Sora's shield to ricochet Xigbar's bullets back at him, combing both defense and offense.
A Quicktime event will be initiated after landing some blows, so be sure to win those to take him down. Plenty of dodging and shielding will be crucial in this fight.
9 Marluxia

Though on the same difficulty level as Xigbar, Marluxia deals with what is called an "instant death" attack that can take Sora out completely with a single hit. He can bring down Sora by triggering timers that count down over the Keyblade wielder's head, so players must be careful to cancel the attack before the timer runs out.
The best time to deal some damage is after he throws his scythe at Sora and is left vulnerable for a few moments.
8 Terra-Xehanort

After dealing with many long-range fighters, Sora needs to gear up to fight Terra-Xehanort, who is an expert at dealing crushing up-close attacks. When the enemies' Keyblade is glowing red, his attacks are unblockable, making it important for Sora to dodge rather than block or parry.
The best way to take out this strong foe is by dodging blows and running forward to attack after Terra-Xehanort is finished with a big string of hits.
7 Young Xehanort

If you haven't felt challenged by the Limit Cut bosses by now (which you definitely should have), the next battles only get tougher and tougher. Young Xehanort is incredibly fast and tough, and he armors up during his battles, making him need to take on tons of extra damage to get through his strong shields.
He uses his teleportation to hit Sora unexpectedly and can be hard to dodge. Sora should bring plenty of healing items and spells into this battle.
6 Saix

The Limit Cut bosses are only getting more difficult, and Saix makes that known with his unblockable attacks and Berserk mode. The blue-haired enemy will send Sora on a race against the Berserk bar, for once the bar fills up, Saix gains some incredible speed and power.
Sora can slow down the bar with Blizzaga and can take the opportunity after Saix's Berserk mode ends to deal some hefty blows and take him down.
5 Vanitas

Vanitas loves to teleport and shift his form in order to avoid offensive attacks by Sora, making him tough to hit. He uses both ice and fire missiles to attack from long range and can close the gap instantly with his slashing moves.
Sora needs to take advantage when there are breaks in attacks to heal or to fight back. Vanitas is tough but can be taken down with plenty of dodging, shielding, and patience.
4 Xemnas

This intimidating leader is going to be hard to beat for those who haven't level up to the max yet. He is insanely quick, teleports out of attacks, and never stays in one spot for more than a moment. He creates many dangerous projectiles, including his walls, black vines, and red and blue missiles.
Sora needs to avoid all of these in order to stay alive. Xemnas' fight will require Sora to be patient and attack when there are openings while dodging all the rest of the time.
3 Xion

Don't let her youth fool you, Xion is one of the toughest Limit Cut battles in the game. She primarily attacks from far away, throwing lasers and Keyblades at Sora to keep him back.
Her pillars of light can do some damage while also knocking Sora off his feet, making him slow to get back up. Zoning in on Xion and getting her caught in a string of attacks is how Sora can take her down.
2 Ansem

Ansem knows better than to fight up close with the Keyblade-wielding protagonist, as he stays far away and deals long-range attacks during his battle. This makes defeating him pretty difficult and will require a lot of hits against his black crystals and deadly black flames.
Using Sora's developed Flowmotion to land some damage on Ansem is a good idea since the player will be staying far away from the man for most of the battle.
1 Master Xehanort

The ultimate antagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series is the last Limit Cut battle Sora should undertake since it is the hardest of them all. Master Xehanort can reduce Sora's full HP, not allowing him to heal up all the way during the fight.
He can freeze Sora to be open to attacks and his x-blade beams are unblockable. Dodging attacks is key to winning since most of Xehanort's attacks will hurt Sora through his guard. This battle might take a few tries, since pinpointing all of Xehanort's attacks is quite a challenge.
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