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Mass Effect Andromeda Storylines That Need to be Resolved in Mass Effect 5

The release of Mass Effect 5 is undoubtedly still a long, long way off, but that's all right: there are enough leftover mysteries from Mass Effect: Andromeda to fuel speculation in the meantime. It's unclear whether Andromeda was intended to be a one-off game or more of a series like the original Mass Effect trilogy, but if BioWare wanted it to be a series, there are certainly enough unresolved storylines from Andromeda to make it so.

Undoubtedly the DLC that was originally planned for Andromeda would've solved some of these mysteries, but Andromeda's lackluster release sadly resulted in all planned DLC being canceled. Thus, a number of plot threads were left hanging from Andromeda, all of which could easily be followed up on with the next installment of the Mass Effect series.

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Perhaps the most glaring mystery to remain a leftover from Mass Effect: Andromeda: where is the Quarian ark? The Keelah Si'yah, the ark that carried the Quarians, Hanar, Elcor, Volus, and Drell to Andromeda, reportedly ran into technical problems and launched after the rest of the arcs. Therefore, locating the ark and discovering its fate isn't much of a goal in Andromeda's main campaign; Ryder is busy enough saving the Turian, Salarian, and Asari arks and locating golden worlds for colonists to settle.

However, a distress call is recieved from the Keelah Si'yah at the end of the game, but it's not calling for help: instead, the Quarian ark is warning the Andromeda Initiative to stay away, due to some other potential new threat that remains unnamed. It's possible the Quarians encountered something entirely new and unheard of that could serve as the big bad for a future game, or perhaps something bad hitched a ride with the Quarian ark from the Milky Way - possibly even a Reaper. Either way, the only thing fans can do right now is speculate over the fate of the Quarian ark, which is why Mass Effect 5 should shed a little more light on the whole situation.

Unlike the Dragon Age sagaMass Effect's protagonist stayed the same for three consecutive games, and only changed with the introduction of Ryder. Thus, it wouldn't be out of place for Ryder to be the protagonist of the next Mass Effect game as well, in which case there's a glaring family problem waiting to be solved.

The Ryder twins' mother, Ellen Ryder, was thought to be dead until a miraculous discovery changed that: the twins' father, Alec, put her in stasis before her disease could claim her life, in hopes that a cure could be found in Andromeda. As such, the twins now have a mother, but no way to save her - yet. Much of Andromeda still needs to be explored, and there's a distinct possibility that Alec was right about a cure for her disease being found in the new galaxy should the Ryder twins get a chance to search.

This storyline was never resolved in Andromeda; Ellen remains in stasis, and the Ryder twins still don't have a solution. But, in the next game, that could very well change. The Ryder family secrets plot should definitely see a resolution in Mass Effect 5.

Throughout Andromeda, it's a mystery who the Remnant (otherwise known as the Jardaan, those who left the terraforming monoliths across each potentially habitable world) really were, and how they left all that technology scattered across the galaxy. By the end of the game, Ryder gets more insight into the Jardaan, though only a little: they were responsible for creating the angara race, in adition to the network of monoliths that fuels the Andromeda Initiative's colonization efforts. That one race could create another is a strange thing that indicates their power, which means whatever vanquished them is even more so.

But who were the Jardaan? It becomes clear during Ryder's journey to Meridian that the Scourge was developed as a weapon to destroy the Jardaan and their technology, but why? Can the Scourge itself be destroyed? And who - or what - created it? All of those questions and more remain, and given the fact that the Scourge and the angara are still very much present by the end of Andromeda, it's entirely possible that those mysteries could come to the forefront of Mass Effect 5.

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Over the course of Andromeda, Ryder uncovers some disconcerting truths about Alec Ryder and Jien Garson, the founder of the Andromeda Initiative. One of the most puzzling is the fate of Garson: her death was blamed on the Nexus' collision with the Scourge upon arrival in the Andromeda galaxy, but that turns out to merely be a false assumption, or perhaps a cover story. Rather, Garson was murdered in her apartment, and even more, she knew that her killer was coming...although she didn't yet know why.

Then, there's the mystery behind the Andromeda Initiative's existence; according to Alec and Garson's logs, a mysterious unnamed benefactor completely funded the project, giving them the chance to complete work on it where the initiative wouldn't have been possible otherwise. While neither Garson nor Alec knew who was giving them all that money, they took it nonetheless, and the benefactor bankrolled hundreds of thousands more colonists than originally planned while speeding up the whole process of building the arks.

Why? Who funded the initiative, and did they know about the Reapers? Furthermore, did they have something to do with Garson's murder? Perhaps those answers can be uncovered with the next Mass Effect game. For now, the case remains unsolved.

BioWare might choose to start all over again with Mass Effect 5, abandoning everything it established with Andromeda, but it could also choose to continue Andromeda's story. Hopefully it will do the latter, because clearly, there's plenty left to do in the world of Mass Effect Andromeda.

Mass Effect 5 is in development.

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Mass Effect Andromeda Storylines That Need to be Resolved in Mass Effect 5 Mass Effect Andromeda Storylines That Need to be Resolved in Mass Effect 5 Reviewed by Unknown on July 20, 2020 Rating: 5

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