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Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Things You Need To Know About Sadie Adler

Sadie Adler becomes a part of the Van Der Linde gang in Red Dead Redemption II. Before her time in the gang, Sadie was an innocent woman who lived at a ranch with her husband. When Sadie is met, her life is full of tragic events. As the game's story progresses, Sadie goes from a tragic character to being redeemed.

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While a lot of Sadie's life is discovered from what she tells the player, certain aspects are not. Players can discover a little more about Sadie by reading the newspapers in the game and by paying attention to her at the gang's camp.

10 Slaps Arthur At Camp

If Arthur Morgan antagonizes certain characters in the gang's camp, he can either be knocked out or kicked out of the camp. After Sadie starts to interact in the camp, she can start to get annoyed by the player.

If Arthur keeps antagonizing Sadie, she will slap Arthur. It is fun to see Sadie slap Arthur and give him a little comeuppance.

9 Has A Friendship With Abigail

At the camps, players can notice Sadie and Abigail interact with each other. Abigail comforts Sadie as she mourns her recently dead husband. They can also talk with each other inside the camp. Sadie also helps Abigail, breaking John out of prison and even rescuing Abigail from Agent Milton.

Sadie also helps John start a stable life in West Elizabeth. This helps John be able to marry Abigail, while also not having to worry about revenge from Micah or Dutch.

8 Sadie And Husband Found In Red Dead Online

When Sadie is first encountered in Red Dead II, her husband is already dead and O'Driscolls have taken over their ranch. Sadie and her husband make an appearance in Red Dead Online, which takes place in 1898. If the player heads to their ranch during the day, Jake will be the one to give missions.

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If the player goes to the ranch at night, Sadie will be the one to give out missions. It is good to be able to see Sadie when she was at her happiest.

7 Helped Bury Hosea And Lenny

During the disastrous bank heist in Saint Denis, Lenny Summers and Hosea Matthews are killed. Most of the gang hides on a boat, getting stranded on Guarma after a storm. Sadie and Charles Smith both sneak into Saint Denis and recover the bodies of Lenny and Hosea.

After doing this, Lenny and Hosea are buried in Bluewater Marsh. After getting back from Guarma and meeting back up with the gang, the player is able to go to the graves to pay their respect.

6 Horse's Name In 1907 Is Hera

In 1907, Sadie reunites with John Marston. Players can notice Sadie has a new horse, which is named Hera. Fans of Greek mythology might find this name to be appropriate for Sadie.

Hera was the Greek goddess who protected married women, weddings, and marital loyalty. This fits Sadie, who was loyal to Jake long after his death. It might be a small detail, but it was nice of Rockstar to include it.

5 Was Reckless In 1899

Sadie was pretty reckless during her time in the gang. It is revealed during the epilogue that she had a bit of a death wish. During the hanging of Colm O'Driscoll, Sadie attacks a few of his gang and alerts the police to their presence.

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It should be noted that Sadie became less reckless as time went on. When she is met in 1907, she is more cautious and uses more stealth to attack her targets.

4 Avenges Her Husband

As players notice when they play, Sadie is angry at the O'Driscoll gang for killing her husband. The gang also burned down her ranch, destroying everything she once had. While it seems like everything is bad, Sadie gets revenge on the man who killed her husband.

During Chapter 6 of the game, Sadie will ask Arthur Morgan to meet her at Hanging Dog Ranch. The ranch is full of the O'Driscoll gang, including the man who killed her husband. After clearing the place, Sadie will stab the man to death, avenging her husband.

3 Not Identified As Member Of The Gang

During the epilogue, players can find a newspaper that mentions the members of the Van Der Linde gang. It will mention everyone, except for Sadie Adler. This is interesting, as she broke John out of prison and also attacked the army.

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Perhaps Sadie was able to prove herself, as she is a bounty hunter in 1907. It could also be possible Sadie was never caught or there was nothing to connect her to the gang. Either way, she is one of the few gang members not wanted by the police.

2 Can Play Five Finger Fillet

Playing games at camp is a fun way to pass the time. After a certain mission in Chapter 3, Sadie is available to play Five Finger Fillet with. After completing the mission 'Blessed are the Peacemakers',  Sadie will be available to challenge.

Playing a game with Sadie is a good way to hear a bit more about her past and learn about her. Plus, it is nice to think Arthur and Sadie become better friends after going into Rhodes together.

1 Most Likely Went To South America

During the epilogue, Sadie will mention she might go to South America after finding Micah. Sadie mentions she could be a guard at a mine or join a revolution. While it is fitting for her, it is sad to see her leave her friends behind.

It is nice to think that Sadie was able to move on with her life after everything that had happened. Who knows, maybe Sadie went on to find a new husband and start a family.

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Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Things You Need To Know About Sadie Adler Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Things You Need To Know About Sadie Adler Reviewed by Unknown on July 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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