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Sex Ed's Asa Butterfield Speaks About His Spider-Man Audition

Actor Asa Butterfield was among those who auditioned for the role of Spider-Man in Sony's latest reboot series. Butterfield was at one point considered to be the front-runner, but the part ultimately went to Tom Holland. Butterfield has now reflected on the past, saying it all worked out in the end because not getting Spider-Man allowed him to make the uber-popular Netflix show Sex Ed.

"Every so often there's a part [that you really want] and it's a script you love, and you kind of put your heart and soul into it, and you don't get it. And it is tough and it is sh**, but I often find that something even better comes out of it at the end," Butterfield told Collider. "And so in the case of Spider-Man, I did Sex Ed, because I wouldn't have been able to do both of those at the same time."

Butterfield went on to say that his take on Spider-Man was not the one that Sony wanted, and he's OK with that in the end. The version of Spider-Man that Holland has on-screen is "entirely different" than what Butterfield had in mind.

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Sex Ed's Asa Butterfield Speaks About His Spider-Man Audition Sex Ed's Asa Butterfield Speaks About His Spider-Man Audition Reviewed by Unknown on July 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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