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The latest Cyberpunk 2077 concept art shows gang-controlled Heywood

CD Projekt Red has been drip feeding gorgeous Cyberpunk 2077 concept art for weeks now. We've seen the smog-laden slums of Santo Domingo and the pristine billionaire nest that is Westbrook, among others. The latest drop shows Heywood, which is a bit of a mix of the aforementioned two: it's situated right in the thick of Night City, and demonstrates the stark realities of its wealth distribution.

"Heywood is a neighorhood of contrast," the official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter account wrote. "From modern skyscrapers and parks in the north, to dangerous inhospitable slums in the south. It's 'the biggest bedroom in Night City', where gangs like Valentinos and 6th Street get down to business—legal and illegal alike."

Check them out (and click the arrows for a larger version):

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

It's concept art of course, so the world itself may differ in fidelity when the game launches proper on November 19. But these images definitely look the part: overwhelming density, neon-lit underpasses, and questionable fashion. Here's everything we know about Cyberpunk 2077.

The latest Cyberpunk 2077 concept art shows gang-controlled Heywood The latest Cyberpunk 2077 concept art shows gang-controlled Heywood Reviewed by Unknown on July 21, 2020 Rating: 5

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