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Tomb Raider: 10 Hidden Details About Lara Croft You Only Know If You Read The Dark Horse Comics

Many players who enjoyed the new Tomb Raider feel quite inspired by Lara Croft. In this game, her father mysteriously disappears and she's determined to find out why. Lara then goes on a dangerous journey to the tomb where she suspects her father was last seen. This tomb is on an island somewhere along Japan's coast.

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The journey is full of the wildest challenges, and Lara must use her faith, intelligence, and motivation to uncover the truth behind her father's disappearance. Players follow her throughout her adventure and learn a lot of her at the same time. However, if they haven't read the Dark Horse comics, players will probably be unaware of some important details. Here are ten important life events and details about Lara Croft that were only revealed in the Tomb Raider comics from Dark Horse.

10 She Started Out As A Regular Crew Member

Players mainly know Lara Croft as an independent woman who travels solo. However, prior to the game, she was just a lowly crew member!

She joins a vessel for research, the Endurance, that is going to the kingdom Yamatai. On the Endurance, Lara's crewmates are the captain Conrad Roth and the reputable archaeologist, Dr. James Witman. She becomes friends with the cook Johah and her best friend of all Sam the filmmaker. Dr. James Witman loses fundings for his research, so he is hoping to rejuvenate his archaeology at Yamatai.

9 She Struggled With Survivors' Guilt

Between the Tomb Raider games, Lara suffers immense guilt. There are many deaths and challenges at Yamatai, and Lara feels guilty that she survived these while others perished. Her trauma is so bad that she experiences nightmares and vivid flashbacks.

She's not alone, though, as many of the people that survive with her are experiencing trauma as well. It's gotten to the point where their minds are playing tricks on them, and they believe that strange figures known as "Guardians" are following them. The weight of Lara's guilt and trauma makes her question if life is still worth living. Luckily, she pulls through.

8 She Was Rescued (& Betrayed) By A Familiar Face

Lara's friends are in trouble in between the Tomb Raider games. For one, Jonah faces so much trauma that he attempts to end his own life. Meanwhile, a group of Solarii worshipers kidnap Sam, and Lara returns to Yamatai on her own to save her. Even worse, the Endurance's mechanic, Joslin, is angry at Lara and follows her with the intention of harming her.

A young man, Danny, somehow knows about the danger Lara is in with the Solarii and Joslin. He rescues Lara and she pegs him familiar. Little does she know, Danny used to work for her father. It should be noted, though, that Danny did this and even hypnotized Lara's friends into hating her (which explains Joslin's actions) for his own plans, which involved killing her.

7 Alex's Ghost Asked Her To Save His Sister

The engineer of the Endurance, the deceased Alex Weiss, asks Lara if she can save his sister Kaz from Trinity, who were also Kaz's previous employers. Trinity's agent, Mr. Cruz, is tasked to kill Kaz but ends up getting in a major fight on the way and supposedly dies.

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Fortunately, Lara finds Kaz before anything bad happens. However, Mr. Cruz is still alive and hunts both Kaz and Lara so he can kill both of them. Yikes!

6 She Rescued Grim's Twin Brother By Mistake

The steerer of the Endurance, Grim, was captured by Las Serpientes Que Caminan. Believing that Grim is alive, Lara fights her way through Mexico to save him and eventually reaches Grim. Thing is, it's not Grim. It's Cuddy, Grim's identical twin brother.

Consequently, Sam - Lara's friend who helped her get into Mexico under the guise of being a documentary crew - is also under captured by nefarious forces. She manages to escape in an uncharacteristic fit of rage but despite this, she is acting so out of control that police have no choice but to lock her up in a psych ward.

5 She Skipped A Conference For Training

Players are quite aware of Lara Croft's skills. However, they likely don't know some of the details behind her training between the Tomb Raider games. During an American conference about archaeology, Lara grows quite bored. She ditches the meeting and meets Joslin and Joslin's friend, Dana, to train.

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Dana is sadly losing her vision, though Lara cannot believe how her disability doesn't affect her combat skills. Dana teaches Lara about echolocation by blindfolding her so she can only use sound to fight. This training technique allows Lara to gain many more advanced skills that players love watching in the game.

4 She Narrowly Avoided Death

Todd Bellamy (pictured above) was working for Robert Demur to get a doctorate. Robert Demur is a professor who does graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania. Todd admires Lara and asks her to assist him in finding a magical mushroom known as the Mushroom of Immortality which, as its name states, could supposedly grant life everlasting. Lara does not have any interest in helping Todd, so she kindly rejects his offer.

During the night, Lara hears an alarm so she runs into the hallway of the hotel she's staying at. Shockingly, she finds Todd dead in a doorway. She probably regrets saying no to Todd now, eh?

3 The Mushroom Of Immortality Is Real

When Lara grabs a meal with professor Robert Demur, he explains that he really wants to find the Mushroom Of Immortality. Roberts tells Lara that it's likely in China and that he and his wife saw it themselves. He receives a text from someone he works with containing a formula that supposedly goes with the mushroom perfectly. It helps with the whole immortality thing.

Robert convinces Lara to help him find the mushroom. Suddenly, the group Knighthood of the Dark Spore accosts Robert and Lara. They threaten them and tell them that they are going to obtain the mushroom for the group instead.

2 She Defeated An Ancient Japanese Sun Goddess

As mentioned earlier, Trinity successfully abducted Sam to perform experiments on her, which they do in the hopes of communicating with some sort of divine source. They succeed but accidentally summon the Japanese queen and sun goddess, Himiko, who possesses Sam. It goes without saying that Lara must save her friend.

She follows the path of damage that Himiko leaves behind when trying to recruit followers. Himiko's goal is to take over Sam's mind and body before moving on to world domination. Lara is desperate to get her her best friend back, so she and Himiko fight it out. The battle is brutal, but Lara defeats Himiko for good.

1 She Walked Into An Ambush

After discovering that her father's suicide was actually a cover up for an assassination, Lara tracks down Trinity - the group she believes is behind his death. Lara grows rather obsessed with figuring out her the truth to her father's suicide, and she loses track of her safety in the process. While on her journey, she slowly makes her way to a temple her father discovered for some closure. However, Trinity was waiting for her there!

It is unlike Lara to callously walk into a deadly ambush, especially with someone as dangerous as Trinity hot on her heels. Luckily, Lara's survival skills and instincts kick in when she needs them the most, and she survives the ambush. Phew.

NEXT: 10 Tomb Raider Cosplays That Are Unreal

Tomb Raider: 10 Hidden Details About Lara Croft You Only Know If You Read The Dark Horse Comics Tomb Raider: 10 Hidden Details About Lara Croft You Only Know If You Read The Dark Horse Comics Reviewed by Unknown on July 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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