Apex Legends: 5 Reasons The Mozambique Is An Underrated Gun (& 5 Why It's The Worst)
Every game has guns that go in and out of the meta with patches, that's just the way that modern multiplayer shooters work. Something that doesn't seem to change all that much, aside from massive interventions by the developers that are usually caused by the fans, is that there are just a few guns in pretty much every game that will always stink.
10 Underrated: Good Early Game
Starting this list off with something that might be a little obvious but still deserves to be mentioned. When you first drop with the boys and are looking for guns, chances are you aren't the only squad that landed in that area. This means that you are going to need to find as much loot, particularly guns, as quickly as possible to defend yourself against the other squads. In this scenario, The Mozambique does its best, when the other squads likely don't have armor, and you might be in an enclosed space.
9 Worst: Useless Late Game
To play devil's advocate for the point that we just made, basically every gun is good against someone who is trying to punch you, even if they have armor. The problems with the Mozambique come in after the initial looting phase of every match, where you are more likely to engage in longer range encounters, especially on a map like World's End where it has a lot of large open areas. This gun has literally no range and its headshots won't even do extra damage after a certain range that isn't that long, so you might want to drop it ASAP.
8 Underrated: Hammerpoint Rounds
Like we mentioned on the first entry for why the Mozambique is underrated, it does a fairly good amount of damage against enemies that don't have armor on, which is why it is a fairly good pick in the early game. Something that adds to this is the Hop-Up Hammerpoint rounds, that greatly increase damage to unshielded opponents. If you're lucky enough to find this both the Mozambique and Hammerpoint rounds early on, you could take out a whole squad. Even in the late game, if you have this combination as a secondary, it could be a powerful finisher.
7 Worst: Low Magazine
This is probably the biggest thing that the Mozambique has going against it is that it has literally no ammo. Most shotguns give you at least 6 shots before you need to reload. This can be bad with the historically 3 rounds, now 4 as of season 6, that the Mozambique has. This can be really bad, especially early on where you might not have another weapon as another option to switch to. It doesn't help that the Mozambiques reload speed feels like its really long, probably longer than it actually is, even though you don't reload individual shells.
6 Underrated: Fast Movement
Something that can help mitigate the issues that we just mentioned in the last entry is that the Mozambique might run out of ammo fast, but it also lets you run pretty fast as well. Players that can move around really well, making themselves hard targets to hit are some of the more annoying ones that a player can face off against in any battle royale.
The Mozambique, still being classified as a pistol despite being a shotgun in the way that it fires, allows for a high level of movement, perfect for hit and run tactics.
5 Worst: Missing Pellets
So we've mentioned twice now about how much damage the Mozambique can do, especially in the early game against people who are close and don't have a shield and especially with the Hammerpoint rounds hop-up. That's all well and good but when we talk about that damage we are talking about it in the sense that you are landing all of your shots. The Mozambique does considerably less damage for each pellet that you miss. In fact, even if you only land two pellets, it could take two full magazines to down an opponent.
4 Underrated: Auto Shotgun
That rule of missing pellets equals less damage goes for every shotgun, so every player should know that going in. All that rule means is two things, that you either have to be accurate with your shots, or you have to be close. That being said if you have to resort to using the Mozambique you are probably in pretty close range, so you can shoot with less regard. The good thing is if you are in close range, the Mozambique is an automatic shotgun with a fairly fast fire rate, so if you are close enough you can take down an enemy real fast.
3 Worst: Quick Damage Drop Off
Like we mentioned earlier the damage drop off at range for the Mozambique is pretty bad but that is to be expected because well, it's a shotgun. We talked about the damage dropoff in relation to the headshot damage, which makes it so that headshots do no extra damage at and over a distance of 38 meters.
This extends to the normal damage, as it also drops off a lot the further away from that the target is from the person shooting. This adds to the idea that you should probably drop this gun ASAP.
2 Underrated: It's A Flex To Get A Kill With It
Ok so this is more for the people that take pride in little victories, maybe even over actually winning the game but getting a kill with the Mozambique, because of its status as pretty much the lowest tier weapon in the game, is extra satisfying. Even if its early on against someone who might not have a gun yet it's still just so funny when you down and finish off somebody only using this weapon. It's also great for streamers for their highlight reel. Also, you have to imagine how frustrated the enemy you just killed must be knowing they were downed by a Mozambique.
1 Worst: Literal Meme
Part of the reason getting a kill with the Mozambique is so satisfying is that it's low their status in the game has turned it into a meme amongst the community. There are literally thousands of memes about this guy, its hilarious. The joke is so popular that the developers even got in on it for April Fool's day where they turned the Mozambique into basically the best weapon in the game with 9 shots a magazine, a massive rate of fire and a huge boost in damage. This was only for one day but it was great while it lasted.
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