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Call of Duty: Warzone Players' Attempt to Stop Train Fails Miserably

Fans have been enthusiastic since learning that Call of Duty: Warzone now has a moving train that travels the map. This train is covered in valuable loot and epic battle opportunities for Warzone fans to exploit. Only the brave and the fast will be able to take the train and conquer this moving fortress of loot.

As with any game that has or adds a train into the mix, the first thought players have is how to derail it. Players have been trying to years to stop the train in Grand Theft Auto 5 with no success. There is just something about seeing a train go that makes gamers do everything they can to make it stop.

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A group of players calling themselves TeamMountainGoat decided the best way to bring the train to a halt was with several cargo trucks. They carefully parked four trucks side by side on the track, trying to block the train mid-tunnel. This strategy would contain the explosive impact of the cars while still making the wreckage usable in blocking the tunnel off. As the train turned the corner, the players quickly sped to the other side, hoping that the train would stop after hitting one or two of the parked vehicles. Instead, the train barreled through, pushing the trucks to the side and getting them stuck on the train cars that followed, causing the trucks to go flying towards the brave players.

It will obviously take more than just some trucks to stop the massive cargo train from delivering its goods. Players are left wondering if the new Season 5 train could, in any way, be stopped along its route.

Despite the failure of the experiment, players are still having a blast defending the train and riding it around the map. There is tons of fun to be had as players assault the Warzone train from different landing points, losing and gaining control of the cargo train.

As some perceptive fans noticed, the train does not actually go to Verdansk Train Station. Instead, it takes a rather direct course, carrying its cargo from one point to another. Players who have landed on it early say that the train comes preloaded with 4-6 Legendary crates depending on the random spawn statistics. Even if players never find a way to stop the train, they will at least be happy that it was added as a fun opportunity for Warzone fans to plunder.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Call of Duty: Warzone Players' Attempt to Stop Train Fails Miserably Call of Duty: Warzone Players' Attempt to Stop Train Fails Miserably Reviewed by Unknown on August 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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