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Fallout 4: 10 Things You Missed On The Prydwen | Game Rant

In Fallout 4, the Brotherhood of Steel are introduced either by finding a squad at a police station or by watching their airship fly into the Commonwealth. The airship is called the Prydwen, which has its share of secrets or information that players might not know about. Reading terminals can reveal a bit of information that players might otherwise not know.

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The Prydwen is definitely different from the other settlements that can be found throughout the Commonwealth. Some facts about the airship can only be discovered if the player sides with a certain faction or if the player sides with the Brotherhood of Steel.

10 Cat Found On Prydwen

If players walk into Proctor Quinlan's office, players can find a cat sitting on the desk. This cat's name is Emmett and can be found either on the desk or playing with the newspaper next to it. Like most cats in the Commonwealth, this one does not really do anything.

It is a nice little detail to see, as it would seem the airship has a resident cat. It might be better not to think about the cat if the player blows up the Prydwen. Who knows, maybe the cat made it out somehow.

9 Named After King Arthur's Ship

The Prydwen is the name of King Arthur's ship in Welsh literature about King Arthur. It is rather fitting, as Arthur Maxson shares the name of the famous king. If Arthur Maxson chose the name himself, it would seem he learned about the Welsh version of the story.

In other versions of the story about King Arthur, the ship is not named or does not make an appearance. With the information Scribes in the Brotherhood of Steel have, it could be likely that the story was saved.

8 Prydwen Member Had Relations With A Ghoul

By reading the terminal in the medical bay, players can learn a Prydwen soldier had relations with a Ghoul. This is odd to think about, as Brotherhood of Steel members and Ghouls do not normally get along. It also potentially reveals that Ghouls carry special diseases.

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Hopefully the soldier is able to live with the memory of this event. Hopefully Proctor Ingram will keep this a secret and not share it with the rest of the Prydwen.

7 Nirnroot Found

Nirnroot is a plant that is found growing in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, so it will come as a surprise to any player who runs across this plant. There is no other information provided about the plant, but it can be assumed the Brotherhood found it in their travels.

Perhaps these plants just happen to have the appearance of the Nirnroot, or maybe they are a form of Nirnroot. Either way, it is a nice reference to another famous series.

6 Children Can Be Found Playing

Children can be found on the Prydwen where they are trained to become soldiers or scribes. By exploring the airship, players might find a secret area the children go to. There are toys and chalk drawings found in these walkways.

It would seem that the children escape to these locations to relieve a bit of stress. With the way the Brotherhood of Steel acts, it could be assumed that children are trained very hard.

5 Used As Brotherhood Research Hub

The Prydwen is home to scribes as well as soldiers of the Brotherhood of Steel. In certain areas, players can find scribes researching the bodies of Synths and Super Mutants. Here, players can also find the Nirnroot lookalike and other plants.

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It makes sense, as the Brotherhood will need to research different creatures and plants from their travels. Players are also able to turn in technical documents to a Scribe on the Prydwen, offering the player a few extra caps.

4 Living On Prydwen

Players who join the Brotherhood of Steel are able to live on the Prydwen. They are given their own bed and storage locker. This also allows the player to stay close to quest-givers without having to travel much.

It can also allow the player to role-play that they are a real member of the Brotherhood of Steel. With power armor stations, food vendors, and a doctor, players will feel right at home here.

3 Death Of The Lyons

Players are able to find a terminal in Arthur Maxson's room that says what happened to the Lyon family. Elder Owyn Lyons and Sarah Lyons both died between Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. It should also be noted Sarah Lyons became Elder for a short amount of time.

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Between Sarah Lyons and Arthur Maxson, the Brotherhood of Steel kept appointing ineffective Elders. This terminal entry also explains why neither of the Lyons make an appearance in the game.

2 Prydwen Lacks Automated Defenses

Players might not have noticed, but the Prydwen is not armed with automated defenses. Instead, soldiers are responsible for defending the airship from intruders. Players would only notice this if they side with a faction that destroys the airship.

Soldiers of the Brotherhood of Steel will defend the airship with Gatling Lasers and power armor. Even though there are no automatic defenses, the soldiers still put up a tough defense.

1 Maxson Comes To Defense Of The Prydwen

If the player does attack the Prydwen, Maxson might make an appearance to defend the airship. He will wear unique power armor that has the rank of Elder painted on it. Sadly, it is more than likely that he will be killed by the player.

On the plus side, players are able to loot his coat from his body. It is sad to think Arthur Maxson saw the airship be built only to give his life to defend it.

NEXT: Fallout 4: 10 Reasons The Main Story Makes No Sense

Fallout 4: 10 Things You Missed On The Prydwen | Game Rant Fallout 4: 10 Things You Missed On The Prydwen | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on August 23, 2020 Rating: 5

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