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Fall Guys: 10 Things You Should Avoid Doing If You Want To Win A Crown

The Wipeout-styled battle royale, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, is rising to stardom, as it's the most downloaded game on Playstation Plus. The number of fans for this game will only increase since Mediatonic has given a sneak peek at season 2 of Fall Guys. 

The medieval themed cosmetics and map challenges look awesome. The challenges, in particular, look like they'll be more difficult than their predecessors. For the fans that have yet to obtain a crown, the future may look bleak. Luckily, players that are already having trouble winning this season will have until October to get a crown.

RELATED: 10 Games You Should Play If You Like Fall Guys

To some, a month will be ample time to grab a crown, but for other fans, not so much. There are many factors that can cause players to lose, but the biggest factor is the players' tendencies themselves. For players that haven't grabbed a crown yet, here are things to avoid.

10 Standing Or Running Next To Other Players

In a battle royale where players and their opponents start at the same line, it can be hard to keep a safe distance from others. But, avoid other players if possible. Every person a player sees should be treated as an enemy, even if they're wearing the same skin.

Players that don't keep their distance are likely to be slowed down by tripping over others, or even grabbed and thrown into the pink slime. On race maps, like Slime Climb, it's important to stay away from others because one mistake can lead to a nasty fall, AKA elimination.

9 Always Attempting Shortcuts

Race maps in Fall Guys are difficult because contestants stomp and trip over each other to reach the finish line. The first map is often the hardest because it pits 60 players against each other, and these maps are even harder for those that start at the back of the line. This has inspired players to discover shortcuts that provide an edge on the unaware competition.

RELATED: Fall Guys: All The Mini-Games Ranked From Best To Worst

As good as they may be, shortcuts are not always the best option. Players shouldn't attempt a shortcut when everyone else is going for it unless they're in the lead. Shortcuts will either lead to elimination or give players a tiny lead over the crowd.

8 Following The Crowd On Perfect Match

Perfect Match is an easy challenge for players who have a good memory, but it's a different story for those who don't. When playing Perfect Match, it's easy to see that a lot of contestants simply follow wherever the crowd goes, and while it works out a lot, it isn't always the best option.

Instead of following the crowd in Perfect Match, players should try to find the match on their own, preferably away from the crowd. To perfect the technique, name the fruits out loud and stand in one spot. Saying the fruits helps players stay aware of what fruits are in play. Standing in one spot keeps consistency.

7 Being The Pathfinder On Gate Crash

Gate Crash is one of the starting races, and it's tough for players that happen to be in the lead. In most races, being in the lead is advantageous because it puts fewer obstacles in the way. Gate Crash flips that train of thought on its head.

RELATED: Fall Guys: 10 Pro Tips To Avoid Elimination

Being the pathfinder puts players at a severe disadvantage because one mistake can lead to elimination. The pathfinder tends to have a crowd of contestants behind them, so if they mess up, they'll be stepped on and left behind. Gate Crash is a gambling map, and the odds are never in the pathfinder's favor. Players should do themselves a favor and give up the first position.

6 Rushing On See Saw

See Saw requires speed, precision, and accuracy. Players that rush across are doomed to slip into the abyss of pink slime. It's hard to balance safety and speed in See Saw, but it has to be done to qualify. One way to perform better is to go the opposite way of the crowd. Sometimes a large group of players will choose a side by default, and this spells disaster for players that follow.

This challenge also requires patience. If a See Saw seems like it's going to kick off a lot of players, wait for it to balance itself out. For those impatient types, know when to jump off of the See Saw to reset. At some point, the See Saw can't be saved, so instead of trying to run up a falling building, reset and hop back on to save a couple of seconds.

5 Playing All Offense On Fall Ball

Fall Ball, or toned down Rocket League, is a team game of soccer (or football). Like most team games in Fall Guys, players will have to do their best filling in whatever flaws their team has. In goal-oriented challenges, contestants usually play all offense with a weak defense. This can work, but in Fall Ball players will need at least one goalie.

Playing the goalie creates a safety net for the team, allowing mistakes that can be cleaned up without the cost of a goal.

4 Staying With The Group On Tip Toe

Tip Toe is a dangerous challenge, and it can lead to a quick elimination. Players have to find a path by walking on fake tiles that disappear upon touch, usually leading the player that touches them to respawn. Because it's so risky, it's rare to see players trailblazing.

RELATED: Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout — Every Game Mode, Ranked From Worst To Best

Players tend to huddle up and push and pull other contestants onto the tiles that may or may not be fake. Players should play one or two tiles away from the group to make sure they aren't the ones being sacrificed. Toward the last three tiles, players should stick with the group to make it to the finish line.

3 Running Down The Middle In Fruit Chute

In Fruit Chute, the players' objective is to cross the finish line before being crushed by a giant fruit. Some players run down the middle because they aren't aware of what the best path to the goal is. The center is the hardest way to go because most fruits are launched down that aisle.

Players should hug the side they start closest to. If starting on the right, then hug the right side and use the bouncy barriers as cover (vice versa for the left side). Trying to move around the cover when it's not clear can result in a reset, so contestants should pace themselves.

2 Aimlessly Wandering On Hoopsey Daisy

Team games are the one things that aren't really in a single player's control. They require a whole team or a few out of the bunch to play really well. In Hoopsey Daisy, it can feel useless to stay in one spot, but it is important to stay in a general area.

Staying in a general area gives players an advantage on others that try and take hoops in their territory. That advantage means a lot more when the golden ring spawns, because missing that could cost a team qualification.

1 Speeding Through Hex-A-Gone

Hex-A-Gone is one of the most skill-based rounds. This challenge has no RNG element except for the players spawn points, so players that lose in this round have nothing more to blame than themselves.

At the start of Hex-A-Gone, players should do their best to stay on high levels. For players to do this, they'll need to run on the hexagons until contestants drop below, or there is enough space so other contestants can't grief their area. Once it's clear, use the jumping method to slowly move from hexagon to hexagon. The jumping method requires players to slow their momentum and jump on one hexagon at a time.

NEXT: 10 Strategies To Winning Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

Fall Guys: 10 Things You Should Avoid Doing If You Want To Win A Crown Fall Guys: 10 Things You Should Avoid Doing If You Want To Win A Crown Reviewed by Unknown on September 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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