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Uncharted: 10 Best Weapons In The Series, Ranked | Game Rant

The Uncharted series is known for the sheer range of factors it brings to the gameplay experience. Some of the fanbase prefers the puzzles that are to be solved, while others are just there for the action. To credit the latter, there’s no denying that the fight sequences are one of the crucial reasons for the franchise’s success.

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It comes down to the effective use of weapons here. The games have a good variety of guns to choose from, and knowing which one to select in a certain scenario can change the way you play it. For this reason, we're looking back at the best and coolest weapons ever seen in the franchise's storied history.

10 GAU-19

On the face of it, the GAU-19 looks like the answer to all your troubles. It’s a powerful weapon that sprays bullets at a blistering rate of fire and is one of your best bets against heavily armored enemies. However, it loses a lot of points for being such a burden to carry.

The massive chaingun weighs Nate down to the point where he can barely move. This makes it awful when used under heavy enemy gunfire. It’s also a disadvantage when enemies engage you hand-to-hand. The GAU-19 also takes a few seconds to charge, meaning the player is susceptible to damage in these moments.

9 M32-Hammer

This grenade launcher is another powerful weapon best fit for taking out hulking enemies. It’s also easy to carry around, making it a definite advantage against enemies like helicopters. The problem with the M32-Hammer is its awful range.

It takes a player considerable effort to time their shots. Getting these wrong means you’ll be hit with gunfire and will have wasted your ammo. Another issue is the limited ammunition available. Simply put, the M32-Hammer is great if you have a good vantage point.

8 FAL Assault Rifle

Using this gun on a regular basis will make the Uncharted games among the most frustratingly long titles out there. That’s because the FAL rifle fires a few bullets before taking a pause, which is a big disadvantage in the heat of battle. And yet, it can very well be your savior when shooting down enemies from a distance. The FAL's true value is in its scope, being especially suited to singling out enemies and avoiding being ambushed.

7 Pistole

Rifles require Nate to take a certain position and put a bit of weight upon himself to fire. To avoid that hassle, one can rely on the Pistole gun. This one packs a punch where the impact is concerned, usually dealing out one-hit kills.

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One particular issue it suffers from is its short range, easily being one of the worst weapons if you want to take enemies out from a distance. The good thing is that the Pistole can be used expertly if you’re looking to take baddies out using the run-and-gun style. The Pistole is superb if you prefer fast-paced action.

6 MK-NDI Grenades

The Uncharted games easily land among the best PS3 titles to be released in the last decade. One of the reasons is due to the many varieties in gameplay, with grenades being an important factor when it comes to shaking up combat scenarios. These can cause a break in enemy lines as the explosions scatter the bad guys.

The arc that forms when timing a grenade throw is more of a disadvantage, as accuracy is a big issue. Still, the grenades are very useful when needing to flush enemies out, and multiple opponents can be killed off with a single explosion if in close proximity.

5 RPG-7

One of the perks of the RPG would absolutely have to be the funny quotes Nathan dishes out when a successful hit has landed. This is the most explosive weapon Nate can have in his arsenal, and it's basically mandatory if you're up against heavy armor — like tanks, for instance.

The biggest and most obvious drawback is the fact that you’ll blow yourself up if the shot is too close, and the awful ammo capacity doesn't help. Still, the impact the RPG has can’t be taken lightly, as scores of enemies are killed off with just a single shot landing on the right target.

4 Dragon Sniper

If you’re wondering who would win in a fight between Lara Croft and Nathan Drake, then consider the latter’s mastery of sniper rifles as a strong selling point. After all, these deadly shots are often instant kills, making this a must-have weapon.

The scope zoom isn’t much of a hindrance either, as Nate’s aim is steady enough to compensate for any shortcomings in a player’s skill. While the reload time is a negative point, the Dragon Sniper’s sheer power combined with its pinpoint precision make it more than worth the while.

3 Desert-5

Fans might debate whether or not Uncharted does gunplay better than The Last of Us, but the fact is that a lot of Uncharted's firearms simply feel great. The Desert-5 is one the most sought-after weapons in this regard. The gun’s aiming is clean and precise, and it packs a mean kick.

Even the low ammo capacity isn’t an issue due to the near-guaranteed kills with each pull of the trigger. It can also be used against armored enemies, a rarity for handguns in practically every game. The gun’s range is also impressive.

2 Micro-9mm

While not promoted as such, the Uncharted games can be considered among the best platformer games to be made. This is because guns like the Micro-9mm provide players with versatility in platforming and combat. You can jump, climb, and roll while still using this gun to its maximum potential. 

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The Micro-9mm has great ammo capacity, which goes well with its incredible spray range. The bullets fire at such a blistering rate that there’s no need to worry about aiming. The gun’s ammo is also easy to find, making the Micro-9mm your best bet in an all-out fight where handguns are concerned.

1 M4 Assault Rifle

The Uncharted games might not have been considered as the best PS4 titles if weapons like the M4 didn’t exist. This is the go-to gun for any player, and that’s not just a suggestion — it’s a fact. Gamers jump straight for this one due to its aggressive potential.

Shots are fired in quick (but not overwhelming) succession, and there's plenty of ammo available, it’s a very lethal weapon to possess. The M4’s user-friendly handling also contributes to comfortably labeling it as the best option in a firefight.

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Uncharted: 10 Best Weapons In The Series, Ranked | Game Rant Uncharted: 10 Best Weapons In The Series, Ranked | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on September 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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