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Warzone Stadium Wall Exploit Causing Trouble For Fans Once Again

When Stadium first opened in Call of Duty: Warzone Season 5, fans flooded through its halls for close-combat battles. It didn't take long for fans to notice several of the walls were not complete which allows some players to slip inside the mesh and hide inside a wall. While most of the Warzone Stadium exploits have been patched, a new one has recently surfaced among the game's community.

Wall exploits are a common occurrence in 3D games, with most being discovered on accident. Usually, they are formed based on incomplete mesh structures along with the in-game environment. With the right angle, players can simply enter the Stadium wall and fire through it while gaining the benefits of total cover.

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In a Reddit post created by HeyGuysImPresto, fans can clearly see bullets flying from the wall. The clip starts with the player approaching cover and consulting his heartbeat sensor for information. Directly ahead should be a Warzone player, so he tosses C4 over and detonates it upon its landing.

Theoretically, this should kill anyone on the other side and ignore most cover. Instead of a kill, he looks over only to get hit with damage from an unseen force. With an explosion behind him and an unseen enemy in front, he runs for cover only to get gunned down by a player sliding by. In the killcam and spectator mode, however, there is a slightly different story.

After killing HeyGuysImPresto the cheating player immediately returns back to his hiding spot. Rather than finding an honest cover position, he instead walks directly into a concrete block in Warzone's Stadium. From inside he has a clear view of the outside world and a sniper rifle, allowing him an unfair and tactical position on anyone who might wander by.

The clip goes on to show him killing a player through the block and gunning down someone who would normally be unreachable from that position. The poster revisited the spot in a later game and entered into the Warzone exploit block. Showing the area around, he fired a few rounds and proved that bullets do in fact pass through the wall, and can impact distant objects. While inside the block, he is almost completely immune to damage, making it a very upsetting situation for honest players.

Exploits like this are typically resolved in quick patches. Now that the exploit has been identified, fans are expecting a quick fix from Infinity Ward in the near future. Until then, fans are recommended to simply avoid the upper level of the Stadium until the problem has been resolved.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Warzone Stadium Wall Exploit Causing Trouble For Fans Once Again Warzone Stadium Wall Exploit Causing Trouble For Fans Once Again Reviewed by Unknown on September 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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