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Dragon Age 4: Razikale and Lusacan Could Be a Big Problem

Dragon Age 4 has the potential to see some huge changes coming to Thedas. Solas, the Dread Wolf, plans to tear down the Veil that separates the material plane from the Fade, the realm of magic. This could have huge implications for mages, the darkspawn, the elves, the Chantry, and any player interested in uncovering some of the franchise’s greatest mysteries, the answers to which lie in the Fade.

One of the biggest risks posed by destroying the Veil in Dragon Age 4 is the threat of the remaining Old Gods, Lusacan and Razikale. These ginormous ancient dragons are currently still in slumber deep underground, but BioWare’s next installment in the Dragon Age franchise could see them return as some of the biggest threats Thedas has faced so far.

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The Veil was created in the distant history of the elves of Dragon Age when their magical empire spanned the continent of Thedas. It was erected during the Dread Wolf’s rebellion against the elven gods, who had begun enslaving their own people and had killed Mythal, the elven goddess who would later possess Flemeth. Solas created the Veil to imprison the elven gods–all of whom were actually just extremely powerful mages–in the Fade. In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the player learns that Solas now plans to destroy his own creation in an attempt to free the elves from their current subordinate position in Thedas.

The Old Gods were worshipped before the rise of the Chantry and the worship of the Maker. They were seven ancient dragons worshipped in the then-fledgling Tevinter Imperium. Seven powerful Tevinter priests, known as the Magisters Sidereal, sacrificed enough lyrium and slaves for a blood magic ritual to pierce the Veil and enter into the Fade themselves. There the Chantry says they found the Maker’s Golden City and their pride turned it black, with the Maker cursing them to return to Thedas as the first darkspawn.

The archdemons are created when Dragon Age's darkspawn find the resting places of one of the seven ancient Old Gods, deep underground. When they do, these dragons are corrupted into archdemons and a Blight begins, just like the one in Dragon Age: Origins. The Blight in Dragon Age: Origins was the Fifth Blight since the Magisters Sidereal entered the Fade, which means that only two Old Gods remain: Razikale and Lusacan.

According to the Chantry, the Old Gods were imprisoned deep underground by the Maker for encouraging the Tevinter magisters to enter the Fade. According to Corypheus in Dragon Age: Inquisition, the magisters entered the Golden City and found the Maker’s throne already empty, so the Chantry account may be incorrect. Nonetheless, Lusacan the Dragon of Night and Razikale the Dragon of Mystery are the two remaining Old Gods who have yet to be discovered by the darkspawn and turned into archdemons.

Since the creation of the darkspawn is deeply tied to the Fade in Dragon Age, it is possible that Solas’ attempt to bring down the Veil could have huge consequences for the darkspawn and the remaining Old Gods. It is likely that Dragon Age 4 will reveal the true origins of the darkspawn once and for all if the Chantry’s account proves to be lacking. It is also possible that the Veil is, unbeknownst to Solas, limiting the power of the darkspawn or the Old Gods.

According to the pre-Chantry Tevinter religion, the Fade's Golden City was not in fact the seat of the Maker but the home of the Old Gods. It is possible that the Magisters Sidereal are the reason the Old Gods were imprisoned and the Blights began of their will, not as punishment by the Maker. In any case, the Veil being destroyed could give the Old Gods access to their power once again, and players could see the first Old Gods who are not corrupted into archdemons.

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Even without the corruption of the darkspawn, the Old Gods are likely fearsome in their own right, and are unlikely to be happy at the Chantry or the new Divine in Dragon Age for abandoning the worship of the ancient dragons. Razikale is the only Old God known to be female, and her awakening or corruption could potentially create an archdemon with the capacity to be a darkspawn brood-mother as well.

If the dragons awaken, they may also seek out the darkspawn to become archdemons, as that was the way the other dragons were able to fully escape their imprisonment and rejoin with their allies in the Magisters Sidereal. With only two Old Gods left, it’s unclear what the future of the darkspawn might be if they are defeated.

It’s possible that there is a final Old God who has been forgotten. There is a text written by Chantry scholar Sister Oran Petrarchius in Dragon Age: Inquisition which theorizes that the Draconic Constellation could be related to ancient drawings found of a more serpentine dragon which could be an “eighth Old God that was stricken from historical record.”

Solas is quite sympathetic despite the risks his plans pose. He led the elven slaves to freedom and then was cast in history as a traitor, while the Dalish elves willingly wear the facial tattoos that once demarked slaver as a sign of dedication to the other elven gods. However, it is likely that his plan will have huge unforeseen consequences for Thedas, particularly when it comes to the relationship between the Maker, the Old Gods, the darkspawn, and the Fade.

With so many possible negative side effects of Solas the Dread Wolf bringing down the Veil, it remains to be see which BioWare focuses on in Dragon Age 4. However, while Lusacan and Razikale still slumber in imprisonment beneath Thedas, their returns could be a great candidate for one of the most devastating consequences of destroying the Veil. Whether or not players believe it is worth the risk may well remain up to them.

Dragon Age 4 is in development now.

MORE: The Case for Playing an Elf in Dragon Age 4

Dragon Age 4: Razikale and Lusacan Could Be a Big Problem Dragon Age 4: Razikale and Lusacan Could Be a Big Problem Reviewed by Unknown on October 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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