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10 Awesome Side Quests Hidden In Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Unlike many competing action-adventure games, the main plot usually serves as a large and elegant background to the side quests in the Assassin's Creed series. Only by completing "side" quests are players ever able to fully uncover the agents of The Order, some of which will be close friends. Additionally, hackers have managed to hide relevant data vital to the survival of the Assassins at hidden locations throughout the world.

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla is no different in this respect, with the side quests stealing the show once again and revealing the answers to questions that fans are dying to know. Some of these quests are hidden, off-the-beaten-path, or unmarked as quests entirely. Yet they are every bit as entertaining, hilarious, and immersive as the highest points in the main storyline.

10 Desmond's Audio

Outside of the Animus, players will be surprised to find some "quests" that aren't labeled on a map, but on a computer screen. Most of these are small codex entries and e-mails, but for the diligent gamer, there is something more as well.

The now-deceased Desmond spills his guts in a series of uncovered audio files as he dishes more about Ezio, Altaïr, and Connor. Quite simply, players that don't find these files will not understand Desmond's decision at the end of Assassin's Creed III.

9 Hunting Wolves

The Hunting Cabin will only need to be revisited if the player is an avid hunter and wants to turn those trophies into upgrades. Even then, gamers will deal with Wallace and not Petra, which will only further limit the screen time of another great female Assassin's Creed character.

Even though she won't be marked, she actually has a series of side quests, one of which involves getting accidentally high and conversing with a talking stag. After all of the hijinks and wolf-hunting are over, Eivor can go steady with Petra.

8 Grain Delivery

Another member of the camp, the baker Tarben, asks for Eivor to help him with a grain delivery. The quest is exactly as it sounds and it is without any snags. It's pleasant as Eivor and Tarben converse about what made one a warrior and the other a cook.

This adds depth to the characters, but that isn't all. It opens an entire questline that exposes Tarben's dark history. It ends with a confrontation with one of the series' most memorable villains and opens up another romance option.

7 Stolen Offerings

In one of the altars scattered about England, Eivor makes a donation of 200 silver pieces to the gods and asks for their blessing. To his anger, he finds that someone has stolen his donation and the donations of others.

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After tracking the culprits down, Eivor finds two wide-eyed, tale-spinning children who have apparently been orphaned. Players would do well to remember the facts about Edward Kenway; the protagonists of the franchise have stolen some things out of necessity as well. Ultimately, player choice determines how these children are dealt with.

6 Dwolfg

Through a simple quest, most players are easily able to recruit a cat to come along on longship raids. Players are also able to summon a "dog" companion, but the method is a bit more intricate and it involves speaking to the children at camp.

When Eivor talks to a certain child, he will explain that the other kids are in danger. It turns out this alarm was merely a ruse to spark Eivor into action; the one in danger is a trapped wolf that the kids believe is a dog. After rescuing the animal and setting it free, the wolf comes to the defense of the children after another pack of wolves attacks. Having betrayed his species, the battle companion voluntarily joins Eivor, who is permitted to name him one of three silly suggestions.

5 Axe In The Head

At the foot of another settlement, a courageous warrior babbles distantly about a battle that just occurred. He complains about a headache but still insists that Eivor should really "see the other guy" in the fight.

Players have to take a very specific path to end up with the best possible ending, but in this instance, Eivor is allowed to decide how this dying warrior should spend his last moments. Gamers can either lie about the axe and say it's just a scratch or offer to remove the hatchet and send him to Valhalla sooner rather than later.

4 King Of (Bleep)sby

With an entire mode dedicated to screenshots, one would rightfully assume that Assassin's Creed Valhalla is a beautiful game with expansive vistas, rolling hills, and castle ruins deserving of desktop backgrounds.

One scene that likely won't make the cut for photogenic moments is a little "kingdom" inside an abandoned cathedral. Eivor finds a throne made of mud and fecal matter. A voice demands Eivor pay homage to him, to which Eivor snarkily replies that the voice must be the "King of S***sby." The king then dispatches a small and dirty army to collect Eivor's skull.

3 The Sunken Ship

The Gylden Sparrow is referenced in a few codex entries as being a glorious ship that sank to the bottom of the ocean. It might stir up feelings from Assassin's Creed Odyssey: The Fate of Atlantis DLC to hear that a huge vessel is at the bottom of the ocean.

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Eivor might not have the technological advancements to find Atlantis, but in reading the entries, he is able to locate the wreckage. Players who explore the Gylden Sparrow will find treasures, skeletons, and notes from the crew about what happened.

2 The Walloper

The curse of the wallop is one that will spark a great deal of both joy and agony for those who find it. The quest is triggered by speaking to some younger children who can't speak highly enough about their universally acclaimed grandfather and his one-hit punch.

Eivor assumes the story is a falsehood when he meets the Walloper who looks aged and dresses like a monk. Those who challenge him find out that everything is true, however; if Eivor gets hit even once, he falls over and loses the duel. After the player bests him, the Walloper is grateful to be relieved of the pressure and gives the player access to the riches he's accumulated from victories past.

1 Army Of Cats

Along a side path, Eivor will go through a field overrun with mice. The farmer there explains that each mouse destroys more than its fair share of crops, but there is nothing he can do about it. If the player journeys down the path a little longer, they find a cat owner.

The cat owner, however, keeps most of the cats indoors and the outdoor cats stay at her feet. After Eivor either threatens her or spins her a tale about a legion of cats that massacre mice and find their own Valhalla, the lady agrees to unleash the army of her cats and the player gets the satisfaction of witnessing a final mouse apocalypse.

NEXT: 10 Games To Play After You Finish Assassin's Creed Valhalla

10 Awesome Side Quests Hidden In Assassin's Creed Valhalla 10 Awesome Side Quests Hidden In Assassin's Creed Valhalla Reviewed by Unknown on November 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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