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Call of Duty: Warzone May Be Receiving this Fan-Recommended Operator

Call of Duty: Warzone has had its share of famous and popular operators. Based on a recent rumor, many are now expecting a fan-favorite character to make an appearance. As Call of Duty: Warzone continues to grow, fans may get to play as an old friend on their drops into Verdansk soon.

While the selection of operators thus far have been members of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Black Ops franchises, many fans noticed one signature character missing. Captain Price and Ghost are foreground characters in the series, but there is one side character that many fans grew rather attached to not yet available.

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A leak from popular Call of Duty Twitter account, ModernWarzone, suggests that John "Soap" MacTavish will be coming to Warzone in the near future. While it is unknown where it is getting its information, many fans consider its leaks reliable enough to warrant some excitement. Many remember the adventures that Soap took part in through Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and his unfortunate death getting caught in an explosion during an assassination mission. One of the more emotional moments of the franchise is when Price and Yuri rush Soap to the safehouse in an attempt to save his life.

This Call of Duty: Modern Warfare veteran, Soap, has been in the franchise for a long time. He was a member of the 22nd SAS Regiment and Task Force 141. A proud Scottish citizen, he served alongside Price and several other iconic characters from the Modern Warfare franchise. His relatability for many fans is part of what made him such a charming character.

To see Soap return would be an amazing addition to Warzone for many long-time fans. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has a deep history, and adding Soap to Warzone would be a great nod towards that long-built relationship with fans.

Still, there are many who believe that adding Soap would be a bad decision. For the sake of continuity, Soap would be dead during the timeline of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare which would make animating him for multiplayer disrespectful to his name. While the game does do this on occasion, Soap has such a beloved place in fan's hearts that many want to let him simply rest in peace.

There are others who argue that he is a character, and by bringing him to the franchise, the developers give fans a chance to relive the adventures they once had with Soap at their side. Call of Duty: Warzone breaks canon quite often, and adding a deceased character would not be completely outside the bounds of believability.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Call of Duty: Warzone May Be Receiving this Fan-Recommended Operator Call of Duty: Warzone May Be Receiving this Fan-Recommended Operator Reviewed by Unknown on November 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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