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Inserting PS5 Discs into PS4 May Jam Disc Drive | Game Rant

A few curious gamers who own a PlayStation 4 and a PlayStation 5 disc have discovered that the two should not mix. This results in the PS5 disc being jammed in the PS4 disc drive, requiring a tricky process to manually eject the disc.

Many of the biggest PS5 launch titles are releasing simultaneously on both PS4 and PS5. In order to make the transition between consoles easier, the PS4 versions of some games include a free upgrade to the PS5 version. This makes it easier for fans to jump into blockbuster titles like Spider-Man: Miles Morales on PS4, as they know they can upgrade the game along with their console. In these cases, the user gets free access to a download version of the PS5 version; the PS5 version is definitely not on the PS4 disc.

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The website PlayStation Universe decided to see if inserting a PS5 disc into a PS4 would grant players access to the PS4 version of a game, if the game supports the free upgrade system. Given the newly-added support for streaming PS5 games on PS4, it's not too much of a stretch to assume that the PS4 could recognize a PS5 disc. Unfortunately, the PS4 appeared to get stuck trying to read the disc, and would refuse to eject it. This meant that the experimenters had to remove a specific screw on the bottom of the PS4 to manually eject the PS5 disc.

As silly as this scenario may seem, the temptation may be real for some gamers. Many likely find themselves in the position of having a PS4 console and a PS5 game, with no PS5 console in sight. The frustrating PS5 pre-order process left many without a console, and the absurd PS5 pre-order eBay prices made it very unlikely anyone would snag a pre-order after the fact. If this example is any indication, however, no one should put a PS5 disc in their PS4.

It's not hard to see why people would be impatient to get a PS5, or get PS5 games in advance of getting the console itself. The console includes a range of hugely impressive features that the PS4 doesn't have, like the ability to play Ultra HD Blu-Ray discs. Plus, the PS5 UI includes a new hint system to make it easier than ever to tackle difficult games without resorting to an online guide.

For whatever reason, gamers always seem to aggressively investigate the media that new consoles use. For example, although Nintendo acknowledges that Nintendo Switch cartridges taste bad, some Switch owners had learned this first-hand before Nintendo officially commented on it. Hopefully, no one is planning on licking a PS5 disc any time soon, and ideally, no one will put that PS5 disc in a PS4 either.

MORE: Every Known PS5 Launch Problem

Inserting PS5 Discs into PS4 May Jam Disc Drive | Game Rant Inserting PS5 Discs into PS4 May Jam Disc Drive | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on November 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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