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Dr Disrespect Reveals His Adorable New Pet 'Puppy Assassin'

Dr Disrespect is one of the most popular content creators in the world. He has over three million subscribers on YouTube, and was once one of the biggest names in Twitch, before he was banned (one of the biggest gaming controversies of 2020). Dr Disrespect himself is a bit of a controversial figure, but he may have just become a bit more likable thanks to the Puppy Assassin.

Doc just posted an image on his Twitter page that has blown up, and for good reason. He just made his home the home of an adorable chocolate lab, one he has named Puppy Assassin. Two Time, as he calls himself, posted a picture of the pup laying on the ground and looking directly into the camera. Man's best friend could likely relieve some of Dr Disrespect's anxiety, as 2020 has been rough on the streamer, like it has so many.

RELATED: Dr Disrespect Blames Twitch Ban for Recent Activision Treatment

As adorable as Puppy Assassin's giant blue eyes are, Doc doesn't want the dog to fool anyone because Two Time apparently hasn't had much sleep since the puppy has arrived. Doc is likely very familiar with that, as he is a father himself and has surely spent nights awake caring for his loved ones. In fact, he nicknamed his daughter the Baby Assassin, so it looks like his new dog has a lot in common with its new sibling.

Two Times' post has received a flood of responses from fans who have included images of their own chocolate labs, or any puppy for that matter. It isn't hard to now enjoy cute dog images that are shared amongst friends and fans, though far as the Puppy Assassin, it will likely show up in Doc's streams as a gaming dog companion in the near future.

Doc has stayed busy after his Twitch ban. Although it likely very much threw a monkey wrench into his streaming routine, he has continued to find his identity. Dr Disrespect says he will host a game awards show next year, he has a huge following on YouTube and social media, and he continues to find unique ways to be involved in the gaming world.

Earlier this year Dr. Disrespect was put in Rogue Company as a character, and even was able to help design a map in the game that is based on his headquarters. Perhaps his most exciting 2020 unveiling was his Rogue Company content, but his Puppy Assassin reveal is certanly the cutest.

MORE: The Biggest Twitch Bans of 2020

Dr Disrespect Reveals His Adorable New Pet 'Puppy Assassin' Dr Disrespect Reveals His Adorable New Pet 'Puppy Assassin' Reviewed by Unknown on December 14, 2020 Rating: 5

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