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Nerf is Making a Mandalorian Amban Phase Pulse Blaster Gun

Nerf is getting in on the space bounty hunting business with its latest entry into the foam-flinging firearm market. To commemorate the near overwhelming popularity of The Mandalorian on Disney+, the toy company is releasing a fully functional Nerf replica of the titular character's pulse rifle. Maybe little Ralphie should have asked for this instead.

The rifle is a full 4 feet long and is surprisingly authentic to the blaster rifle shown in the series. From the pronged tip all the way to a spring-loaded chamber where the wielder can pop in a Nerf dart like a regular blaster cartridge, this hefty beast very much looks like something that would cost the $120 Nerf is asking for it. While it still sports the characteristic white and orange color scheme common in Nerf products, it almost looks real enough to, at the very least, cause a police officer to do a double-take. The brown stock on the back, while clashing a bit with the rest of the colors, adds to that air of authenticity.

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It also features a collection of series-accurate sound effects and an illuminated scope for those lonely stakeouts on an isolated desert hilltop. Perfect for cosplays, fan films, or just collections, this substantial plastic argument-ender is sure to be an excellent new addition for any Star Wars fans willing to fork over the cash.

With the holiday season in full swing, it's certainly the perfect time to announce something like this. Though it may also be a bit sneaky, since the announcement projects a release of October 1, 2021, leading any excited kids to an inevitable crash of disappointment when they realize they have to wait almost a whole year. That's not to reiterate the $120 price tag, which seems to put it less in the "kids in the backyard" demographic and more in the "bored office workers" bracket.

It's fairly obvious from the design that the "Star Wars Amban Phase-Pulse Blaster" prioritizes form over function, as someone wielding a 4-foot long Nerf rifle probably isn't about to win any quickdraw contests. But the attention to detail is impressive, and Nerf clearly wanted to make something special here (it's the company's longest rifle to date). Regardless of how well it works, it's definitely got the look down, at least as well as an orange and white collection of plastic can look.

Preorders are now available for the replica on Amazon. It's up to each potential customer whether or not the price is worth it. So luckily they have plenty of time to mull it over before the October 1, 2021 release date.

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Source: The Verge

Nerf is Making a Mandalorian Amban Phase Pulse Blaster Gun Nerf is Making a Mandalorian Amban Phase Pulse Blaster Gun Reviewed by Unknown on December 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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