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World of Warcraft: Shadowlands - Castle Nathria Sire Denathrius Guide

Throughout the Castle Nathria raid, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands players have fought new adversaries and even run into some familiar faces, like Kael'thas Sunstrider. But even after defeating 9 previous bosses, there is one final confrontation within the fortress. To claim total victory, heroes must triumph over the ruler of Revendreth: Sire Denathrius.

As one of the Eternal Ones, Sire Denathrius oversaw the redemption of wicked souls for thousands of years. But through the Revendreth story, players discover he has become an ally of the Jailer, funneling untold amounts of anima into the Maw. Now, the conclusion of the leveling plotline has led to this moment, where the raid group must defeat Denathrius and his sword Remornia through a 3-phase battle.

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Phase 1

  • Burden of Sin: All players start with several stacks that deal light DoT damage and interact with Sire Denathrius' other abilities.
  • Cleansing Pain: Deals damage in a frontal cone, removing 1 Burden of Sin stack and summoning an Echo of Sin add for each player hit.
  • Blood Price: Stuns and knocks all players away from Denathrius while dealing damage along with additional damage for every player with the same Burden of Sin stacks.
  • Feeding Time: Denathrius marks random players before striking them and anyone else nearby, healing for the damage dealt. On Heroic, this ability is called Night Hunter deals reduced damage to the targets for every player standing in the lines.
  • Command: Ravage: When Denathrius reaches full energy, Remornia cleaves one-third of the room which leaves behind a damaging field that also blocks healing.

Phase 2

  • Crimson Cabalist adds periodically spawn that channel AoE damage to the raid. On Heroic, they also fire bolts at players on death.
  • Remornia becomes an active boss, sharing health with Denathrius and applying a stackable DoT to anyone hit by her attacks or abilities.
  • Remornia also targets random players with Impale, charging to each of them and damaging anyone caught in her path.
  • Wracking Pain: Denathrius deals damage and applies a debuff that increases damage taken for a short period of time. This spell can also affect Crimson Cabalists.
  • Hand of Destruction: Denathrius pulls all players to his location and summons an image. This image explodes after several seconds, dealing damage that decreases with distance.
  • Command: Massacre: At full energy, Denathrius causes Remornia to temporarily despawn and swords fly across the room dealing damage to anyone hit.

Phase 3 

  • Indignation: A storm of anima traps players in the room's center, quickly killing anyone that wanders back onto the outer edges.
  • Denathrius now wields Remornia causing him to attack slower, deal more damage, and apply a stacking Scorn DoT to his target.
  • Shattering Pain: Denathrius quickly attacks his target 3 times before dealing AoE damage to the raid and knocking everyone back.
  • Fatal Finesse: Denathrius marks random players before attacking them several seconds later, dealing damage and applying a DoT to anyone hit.
  • Hand of Destruction: Same as Phase 2
  • Sinister Reflection: At full energy, Denathrius creates an image of himself that casts Command: Ravage or Command: Massacre from previous phases.

Split the raid into 2 equal groups on either side of the boss. Once the first group is hit by Cleansing Pain, immediately burst down the Echo of Sin adds. Stay away from anyone marked by Feeding Time, but stand in the Night Hunter lines on Heroic to reduce damage on the targeted players. Eventually, Denathrius will cast Blood Price that healer classes must be ready for and the off-tank should immediately taunt afterward. The second group will then get hit by Cleansing Pain, spawning more adds which should be cleaved down but everyone needs to move out of the incoming Command: Ravage cast which permanently covers one-third of the room. This exact pattern will repeat 2 more times for players to drop their Burden of Sin stacks before the intermission.

At 70-percent health, Denathrius begins channeling March of the Penitent which pushes everyone to the room's outer edge. Players are pacified and slowed by 20-percent per Burden of Sin stack and must get to Denathrius before the cast finishes or instantly die. Because of the slow, most classes will need 2 stacks at maximum to survive this transition so don't rush through Phase 1.

Once Phase 2 starts, Remornia becomes active and must be picked up by the World of Warcraft off-tank. Additionally, 4 Crimson Cabalist adds spawn, which should quickly be focused down. Denathrius' tank should face him towards the adds so they get hit by the Wracking Pain debuff as well. Tank swap after every Wracking Pain to avoid stacking the damage debuff and Carnage DoT from Remornia. Hand of Destruction can be easily mitigated by keeping Denathrius near one of the 4 mirrors and teleporting to the other side once his cast starts. Avoid Remornia's Impale or Command: Massacre casts by staying away from marked players and red lines on the ground respectively.

At 40-percent health, Phase 3 will begin with the room's outer area being filled with Indignation. Any remaining adds also teleport to the middle and start reducing raid healing by 10-percent per add. Move Denathrius to the middle and kill off all adds before the transition occurs. Have tanks swap once their Scorn DoT reaches 4-6 stacks. Keep the boss at a corner, facing inward so everyone won't be thrown off the edge or into Indignation when Shattering Pain is cast. Since players can't use the outer mirrors anymore, this positioning also helps counter the Hand of Destruction ability. Watch the Massacre swords and save DPS class cooldowns for this last phase since Ravage fills the center after 3 casts.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is available now on PC.

MORE: World of Warcraft: Shadowlands - Are There Bonus Rolls?

Source: Wowhead

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands - Castle Nathria Sire Denathrius Guide World of Warcraft: Shadowlands - Castle Nathria Sire Denathrius Guide Reviewed by Unknown on December 09, 2020 Rating: 5

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