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Josef Fares Criticizes Xbox Console Names | Game Rant

While Sony may be fine with just sticking a higher number on its new systems, Microsoft seems to prefer a more creative approach. Sadly, it appears that not everyone is a fan. The director of the upcoming game It Takes Two recently broke into a rant directed at Microsoft about the Xbox Series X’s confusing name.

The latest criticism comes from Josef Fares, the founder of Hazelight Studios. During an interview with IGN, Fares took a break from promoting It Takes Two to bash the Xbox Series X/S consoles.

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The Swedish-Lebanese game director sat down to discuss Hazelight’s upcoming co-op puzzle-platformer It Takes Two. While explaining why It Takes Two isn’t getting any special features on next-gen consoles, he referred to the Series X as “the Xbox Blah Blah.” He then went into a short, curse-laden rant complaining about Microsoft’s confusing naming conventions.

The developer of A Way Out says of the Series X, “That’s a f**king confusing name. What the f**k’s going on with Microsoft? They’re losing it, man. What the f**k is going on? Like Series S, X, Mex, Next. I mean, who knows this? Come on. Madness. Call it the Microsoft Box and that’s it. I don’t know. It’s a total f**king mess. Trust me, even them, they’re confused in their offices. What is this X, S... I don’t know, what the f**k.”

And he’s right when he says that even Microsoft has been having some trouble keeping the names straight. Most of the confusion comes from the similarities between the names of the Series X and Xbox One X. Many consumers mistakenly ordered the older console while trying to purchase the Series X, and even Microsoft employees have mixed them up in official statements. The company incorrectly referred to its next-gen console as the “Xbox One Series X” in one blog post.

For those who are curious, Microsoft named the previous console the Xbox One X as a callback to its origins. Specifically, according to Dave McCarthy, it was a tribute to the spirit of experimentality that went into the original Xbox’s development. It seems that Microsoft felt that having one X in Xbox simply wasn't tribute enough. Presumably, that was also the logic behind naming the current console the Series X, which if anything makes it more confusing.

The simultaneous release of the Series X’s budget counterpart, the Series S, probably didn’t help much either. And of course, that console shares a similar name with another variant of the Xbox One, the Xbox One S from 2016. It’s not that confusing names are a new problem with Microsoft. During the 360 era, gamers often referred to the Original Xbox as the Xbox 1. And while an odd name was far from the Xbox One’s worst problem at launch, it did give the impression of moving backward. Still, at least Xbox never got confused about the name of its earlier consoles.

It Takes Two is in development for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X and Series S.

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Source: IGN

Josef Fares Criticizes Xbox Console Names | Game Rant Josef Fares Criticizes Xbox Console Names | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on January 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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