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Twitch's Pogchamp Ban Should Just Be a Beginning for the Company

Even though it's one of the biggest streaming platforms on the internet, Twitch is rarely far from controversy. However, Twitch is only peripheral to some recent controversies. When a recent protest at the US Capitol Building turned violent, Ryan "Gootecks" Gutierrez commented on the affairs in a manner that Twitch did not stand for. For years, most Twitch users would have known Gootecks as the face behind the eternally popular PogChamp emote. However, after Gootecks' comments, Twitch decided to remove the emote from the website. This, in turn, led to the Twitch community praising the company for its decisive action.

The decision to remove PogChamp means a lot more for Twitch than just a mission to find a new way to channel the spirit of a retired emote. Streamers and viewers alike have criticized Twitch for reacting disproportionately to other controversies, whether doing too much or too little. This time, Twitch took action immediately, and it already has a temporary plan to help PogChamp live on without Gootecks. This is a positive, helpful side of Twitch that some viewers don't feel familiar with, yet maybe this is a side of Twitch that viewers will see much more of in the future.

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The new plan for PogChamp is to cycle through different versions of the iconic expression. This will go on indefinitely for now, though Twitch may eventually crown a new permanent face for the emote. For the time being, it seems like a fair way to handle the matter that celebrates community. However, the tone of Twitch's response and the sentiment it's expressing is just as important as the specific solution. When Twitch tweeted about PogChamp's new status, it made mention of 2021 being a new year and expressed a tone of positivity and togetherness. That's not the tone one expects from Twitch when handling sensitive matters, but it's the right one.

Everyone seems happy in the end that Twitch responded to the situation as quickly as it could. It's also found a solution that everyone is happy with. "Pog" is an inseparable part of the Twitch slang vocabulary, and PogChamp's many variations are always the perfect way for viewers to express hype and praise in the chat. Twitch is clearly sensitive to this by finding ways to replace the old emote. A quick, efficient, yet compassionate solution to a sensitive issue is a great thing to see from Twitch, and it deserves praise for acting this way, especially if the community's positive response means it'll handle more issues this way.

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Twitch still has a fair few controversies to answer for. Viewers and streamers have unleashed criticism over a slew of draconian DMCA takedowns, for instance, and that's only one type of many bans that have made the community view Twitch in an unfavorable light. In other words, Twitch isn't regarded highly for its judgment or sensitivity, but that's what's so important about the way its handling PogChamp. If it can approach this complicated issue with such confidence and transparency, it seems poised for more of the same. Twitch might be developing the skills it needs to reach out to streamers and resolve many issues in more empathetic and less punishing ways.

Aside from internal issues like bans, this is making Twitch more prepared to handle exterior controversies too. Gootecks made his comments well outside of Twitch, but Twitch still knew it was tied to him and had the chance to respond. There's bound to be more days like this one where Twitch has a chance to take a stand for something positive when something negative happens inside or outside its platform. Many in the community would appreciate more of that kind of behavior, so if Twitch's New Years resolution was to work on its image, it's doing something right.

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Twitch's Pogchamp Ban Should Just Be a Beginning for the Company Twitch's Pogchamp Ban Should Just Be a Beginning for the Company Reviewed by Unknown on January 08, 2021 Rating: 5

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