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Baldur's Gate 3 Story Predictions | Game Rant

Only the first act of Baldur's Gate 3 has been released in early access, leaving huge chunks of the game still a mystery to fans. However, it's clear that Baldur's Gate 3 act one does lay the groundwork for future stories within the game.

Plot threads in the game, such as it is, include its main story, as well as those of all the side characters who accompany the protagonist of Baldur's Gate 3 and beyond. There are also smaller plot threads woven into the side quests of BG3 that will undoubtedly be picked up once again in later acts.

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First, there's the question of what the Absolute is, and what is has to do with the illithid and their tadpoles. Players have yet to find a way to remove the illithid tadpoles from their characters' minds, and it's looking like those tadpoles will remain there for the long haul. But there's still the matter of what the Absolute is, and why it's being spread as a sort of alternative religion to the normal gods and goddesses of the realms.

Currently, BG3 leaves off with the characters on their way to the Moonrise Towers in search of answers, which they'll hopefully find - but it's also just as likely that the Moonrise Towers will give them more questions too. Perhaps the illithid who gave out these modified tadpoles are a separate sect with goals set outside of normal illithid society, goals that will become clearer through Moonrise Towers and beyond.

According to Shadowheart, the voice in her head (one borne of the illithid tadpole) called her a "beautiful weapon." If that's what the characters are to the illithid who implanted them, what are they weapons for? There could be a larger picture that has yet to be revealed, maybe one involving the ages-old rivalry between the illithid and the githyanki.

Raphael the campion has been introduced, but not thoroughly explored. It seems clear that there will be a chance to make a deal with him later down the road, if that is something that players are interested in. Raphael's interest in the whole situation is unclear, though Gale has the best theory so far: the tadpoles inside the characters' heads are most definitely unique, and Raphael is offering to remove them. That could mean he wants them for himself, either to unlock their powers or for some other nefarious purpose.

Should that be the case, the characters themselves actually may have the upper hand when dealing with Raphael, since they have something he desperately wants. Hopefully the campion will make a return appearance in the next chapter of Baldur's Gate, where his goals will become clearer to all involved.

While exploring the open wilderness area of act 1, players can come across a wounded tiefling, Karlach, who requests help, explaining that she's a refugee from Avernus who fled her mistress, Zariel, and seeks freedom on Faerun. Of course, there are also Karlach's pursuers, who claim to be paladins of Tyr, but who Karlach claims are actually cultists of Zariel sent to drag her back to the hells. It's possible to side with either of them, but frankly, Karlach's story is the more believable of the two.

Thus, assuming Karlach survives act 1, it seems like players are bound to meet her again in act 2. After all, once spared, she claims to be heading for the city of Baldur's Gate to hunt down those who doomed her to Avernus in the first place; similarly, the player characters are also bound to end up in Baldur's Gate sooner or later - not only is it in the title, but Larian has guaranteed it. So, it seems likely that players will have the chance to help Karlach exact revenge in the streets of Baldur's Gate.

Players will already be familiar with one of the routes to the Moonrise Towers: the route that goes through the Underdark. However, there are two other routes currently not completed: one on the risen road, and one through the mountain pass. Furthermore, it seems like there'll be plenty to do once those routes are completed; for example, the druid Halsin tells characters about a terrible curse laid on the lands through the mountain pass. Perhaps, by taking the overland routes to Moonrise Towers, characters will have the chance to free the land of its curse (or at least determine its source).

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Then there's the matter of Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard: according to an emissary whom players can save from a burning inn during act 1, he was captured on his way back from Elturel and taken hostage. Therefore, characters will probably have the chance to save him from his captors, and possibly escort him back to the city of Baldur's Gate. It'll be interesting to see what the favor of the Grand Duke can do for characters, especially as their investigation into the illithid and the Absolute continues.

Finally, there are the other NPCs that travel alongside the player character of BG3: Lae'zel, Gale, Shadowheart, Wyll, and Astarion. All of them have unfinished business to complete, which no doubt will be expanded upon in later acts of the game. Players should have the chance to connect Lae'zel with her creche, free Gale of his magical ailment (perhaps with the help of Mystra?), find Shadowheart's fellow Sharrans, locate Wyll's patron Mizora, and deal with Astarion's master in Baldur's Gate. All of the companions' personal quests seem more or less inevitable; the only question is how long it'll take them to unfold.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available in early access now for PC and Stadia.

MORE: Baldur's Gate 3: 10 Things That The Game Still Needs After Early Access

Baldur's Gate 3 Story Predictions | Game Rant Baldur's Gate 3 Story Predictions | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on February 06, 2021 Rating: 5

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