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What Flying-Type Pokemon Are You, Based On Your Zodiac?

Flying-types are some of the most common throughout the Pokémon world. Often populating the first areas in the games, players tend to encounter them early and easily discover the great additions they make to a team. Fast, versatile, and strong, Flying-types are also incredibly diverse, since they exist in combination with every other Pokémon type.

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These Pokémon also vary widely in terms of temperament. Some are feisty and aggressive, others are sweet and docile, some are haughty and proud. For fans of the Flying type, here's a list of which Pokémon players might relate to most, based on their astrological signs.

12 Aries: Staraptor

With its quick temper and often aggressive nature, Staraptor displays plenty of trademark Aries traits. This feisty Gen IV Pokémon never backs down from a fight. Similarly, the sign of the ram is brave and bold, and loves physical challenges.

This sign's bravado can sometimes get the better of it; Aries can be impulsive and reckless. In the same vein, Staraptor often challenges foes that are bigger and stronger. However, both Staraptor and Aries can always count on their determination to pull through in the end.

11 Taurus: Pidgey

With its friendly temperament and strong homing instincts, Pidgey shares many traits with the sign of the bull. Tauruses are strongly linked with home and family, and this Pokémon, with its impeccable sense of direction, always finds its way back to its nest. This reliable nature is characteristic of any Taurus.

This sign is peaceful and dislikes conflict, just as Pidgey is docile and prefers to avoid fights. This Pokémon uses defensive and evasive maneuvers when attacked. Doing so displays its resourcefulness, another classic Taurus trait.

10 Gemini: Oricorio

This sign is the most adaptable of the Zodiac. Likewise, Oricorio shifts between different forms, each with a different primary typing. This way, it adapts to face all kinds of opponents, and provide just the right kind of entertainment with its dance.

Just like Geminis are multifaceted, Oricorio's forms each display unique temperaments. Its Fire-type Baile Style is fierce and passionate, while Ghost-type Sensu is calm and refined. Electric-type Pom-Pom is cheery, and Psychic-type Pa'u is easygoing.

9 Cancer: Altaria

The sign of the crab is sensitive and sentimental, in direct alignment with Altaria's gentle nature. Additionally, this Pokémon loves to convey its feelings through song as it soars through the skies. This kind of artistic expression falls perfectly in line with a Cancer's creative spirit.

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Cancers always put their loved ones first; their bonds with others are often the most important thing in their lives. Similarly, Altaria is incredibly affectionate. It wraps its wings around humans it has bonded with, to provide comfort or joy.

8 Leo: Hawlucha

Like the sign of the lion, Hawlucha is proud of its skill and loves to show off its moves. A skilled fighter, this Pokémon likes to strike poses and execute flashy maneuvers in battle. Leos thrive most when they're the center of attention, and so does Hawlucha.

Like many Leos, this Gen VI Pokémon's pride can sometimes get the better of it. When Hawlucha is busy showing off, its opponents often take the opportunity to strike. However, neither Leo nor Hawlucha will ever fail to entertain a crowd.

7 Virgo: Corvisquire

Much like a Virgo, this Gen VIII Pokémon is intelligent and analytical. Corvisquire takes the time to assess opponents before leaping into battle, and takes strengths and weaknesses into account during fights. Virgos go about their own work in similarly methodical ways.

Just as this sign loves to expand their minds, Corvisquire learns through experience. Repeated successes and failures allow it to collect information to assess its opponents. Virgos take the same kind of logical approach to challenges in life, using knowledge as their greatest tool.

6 Libra: Drifloon

Despite legends that claim Drifloon steals away children, this Pokémon is often depicted being friendly and doing helpful tasks for others. Just like a Libra, it appears that Drifloon just wants to be surrounded by friends—even if some of its methods for doing so are somewhat sinister.

This sign can be indecisive, lacking in strong conviction. Similarly, Drifloon, in its attempts to steal children, often gets pulled around instead. However, this also demonstrates a go-with-the flow nature in this Pokémon, a common Libra strength.

5 Scorpio: Unfezant

Unfezant are proud and closed off; they are hard for people to get to know. Scorpios can be similarly distant, but once someone earns their trust, they're incredibly loyal—just like this Gen V Pokémon. Though Unfezant only bonds with its Trainer, the connection it forms is uniquely strong.

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Scorpios are also smart and observant, skilled at noticing details that others miss. Unfezant's intelligence is well documented, and serves them well in and out of battle. They're intimidating, but magnetic due to their sharp intellect—just like this sign.

4 Sagittarius: Swanna

This sign loves to travel and explore, making plenty of friends along the way. Known to fly thousands of miles at a time, Swanna perfectly embodies this adventurous spirit. They tend to keep together in flocks, demonstrating sociable Sagittarius nature.

Sagittarians are also expressive and honest, and don't bother hiding their emotions. Swanna love to express themselves through dance, and often engage in complex dances together at dusk. With their exploratory, free-spirited nature, this Gen V Pokémon perfectly embodies the Sagittarius philosophy.

3 Capricorn: Fearow

The sign of the goat is known for its tenacity and dedication. Similarly, Fearow is steadfast and strong, possessing the stamina to fly an entire day without rest. Like a Capricorn, this Pokémon is astute and calculating, waiting for the right moment to pluck prey from land or sea. It's even clever enough to steal from humans on occasion.

Fearow is an ancient species; thousand-year-old cave paintings depict it exactly the same as it appears today. This kind of staying power exemplifies the persistent, traditionalistic Capricorn spirit.

2 Aquarius: Mandibuzz

Despite its fearsome appearance, Mandibuzz is protective and kind towards its own. They often take in and care for young Vullaby who have been abandoned, displaying the humanitarian trait associated with Aquarius.

Aquarians are creative and original; they march to the beat of their own drum. In this spirit, Mandibuzz has created its own fashion culture. This Pokémon decorates itself with bones, and people have observed different trends moving in and out of fashion among them. Others may find them strange, but Mandibuzz doesn't seem to care.

1 Pisces: Togetic

Empathetic Pisces has a lot in common with this Pokémon. Togetic can sense kindness in people and Pokémon alike, and seeks out those who are pure of soul. Like this sign, Togetic is big-hearted and generous, seeking to spread happiness throughout the world.

Pisceans are incredibly attuned to those around them. When Togetic is not with kind people, it becomes despondent; however, it lights up around those with love in their hearts. With this sensitivity and its desire to share joy, Togetic embodies Pisces traits in every way.

NEXT: 10 Unanswered Questions We Have About Ghost-Type Pokémon

What Flying-Type Pokemon Are You, Based On Your Zodiac? What Flying-Type Pokemon Are You, Based On Your Zodiac? Reviewed by Unknown on February 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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