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What Poison-Type Pokemon Are You, Based On Your Zodiac?

Capable of vicious attacks, stalwart defenses, and devastating status moves, Poison-types are a huge asset on any Pokémon Trainer's team. Inflicting deadly poison while immune to it themselves, these Pokémon have been feared opponents and fantastic allies since Generation I.

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This type has a reputation for being cruel or vicious in nature, but just like any type, their personalities actually differ greatly between different Pokémon. Some live up to the stereotype, others are protective and caring, while still others are somewhere in between. Here's a glimpse into that variety, with a list of Poison-type Pokémon that best represent each sign of the Zodiac.

12 Aries: Croagunk

As a part Fighting-type, Croagunk isn't afraid of confrontation and often intimidates its foes. Quick on its feet and sharp with its attacks, this Pokémon shares the Aries trait of charging forth to meet any challenges head on. It tends to fight dirty, in the spirit of Aries rebelliousness.

Though it comes across as aggressive, Croagunk fights mainly to ensure its own survival. This falls in line with the sign of the ram's determined nature and refusal to give up in the face of adversity.

11 Taurus: Golbat

Golbat can have a gluttonous nature, gulping down blood until it's too full to fly. Tauruses can be similarly indulgent, with their love of life's earthly pleasures—especially fine food. Just like this Pokémon, they have a hard time resisting their own appetites.

Yet, the sign of the bull is also kind and giving, closely linked to home and family. Golbat is similarly thoughtful, sharing meals with members of its kind who don't have enough. Its generosity outweighs gluttony, just as it does for Taurus.

10 Gemini: Toxtricity

The sign of the twin can be flighty and unpredictable, relaxed one minute and full of energy the next. With its two forms, Amped and Low-Key, Toxtricity exemplifies the dual nature of a Gemini.

Toxtricity's Amped Form is short-tempered and brimming with confidence, while its Low-Key form is selfish and more composed. This discrepancy is reminiscent of how moody the sign of the twin can be. Yet regardless of form, this Pokémon is always ready for a fight, calling to mind Gemini's endless energy.

9 Cancer: Bulbasaur

This Gen I starter Pokémon is kindhearted and caring. In the anime, it's been seen comforting other Pokémon by singing and rocking them with its vines. Bulbasaur clearly has the same big heart that Cancers do, with their innate ability to nurture.

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Bulbasaur is also incredibly loyal. Though it tends to be fairly gentle, it fights with all its strength to defend its Trainer, friends, or weaker Pokémon. This faithful, protective nature is a textbook description of the sign of the crab.

8 Leo: Scolipede

Prideful and often aggressive, Scolipede never gives up in a fight, calling to mind the sign of the lion. Leos take great pride in their skills, and do not like to be bested. Just as Leos can grow jealous, this Pokémon is territorial, engaging in rough battles with Centiskorch to defend its claimed territory.

Despite their competitive nature, this sign also loves the finer things in life. Similarly, Scolipede in the anime has been shown to be distracted with tasty honey, ignoring battle for the promise of food.

7 Virgo: Nidoqueen

Those born under this sign are dependable and love to take care of others. Nidoqueen demonstrates these traits through its protective nature. Willing to give its life to protect its young, this Pokémon's reliability is inarguable.

Virgos are not aggressive or combative, just as this Pokémon prefers defense over offense. This sign also has an eye for detail, just as Nidoqueen gently places its young between the spikes on its back to avoid harming them. Caring and meticulous, this Pokémon fully embodies the Virgo spirit.

6 Libra: Roserade

Charming and outgoing, Libras are social butterflies. They're big flirts, and always love to draw others in. Likewise, Roserade lures others with its sweet, heady aroma—whether to attract mates or prey. This sign also tends to be well-liked, just as Roserade is a very popular Pokémon.

The sign of the scales loves the finer things in life, and has a natural affinity for class and sophistication. Roserade, in this vein, is an elegant attacker, moving with dancer-like grace as it whips its toxic vines.

5 Scorpio: Salandit

Attractive, magnetic Scorpios have a way of captivating others. Similarly, Salandit's sweet, toxic aroma attracts prey despite causing disorientation and dizziness. Female Salandit emit pheromones with this scent, attracting males who provide them with food.

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Intelligent and keenly observant, Scorpios are very clever and can be manipulative. This Gen VII Pokémon  is similarly cunning, relying on their smarts to keep them alive as they lack physical power. With their reserved nature and ability to enthrall others, Salandit displays classic Scorpio traits at every turn.

4 Sagittarius: Gastly

Gastly has a playful and mischievous nature, and is known to play pranks on people and Pokémon alike. This quality calls to mind to the fun-loving Sagittarius spirit, their free-spirited and often rebellious nature.

Because it is made of gas, this Gen I Pokémon can pass through walls and doorways. Sagittarians love to explore, and don't let barriers stand in their way. With its ability to circumvent any physical obstruction, Gastly is free to explore anywhere—a Sagittarius dream.

3 Capricorn: Seviper

The sign of the goat is notorious for holding grudges, just as Seviper has held onto its feud with Zangoose for generations. Persistent, calculating, and unforgiving, this Gen III Pokémon shares its most defining traits with Capricorn.

Seviper is proud of its fighting prowess, displaying the scars on its body as evidence of battles won. Those born under this sign are similarly proud and dignified. The clearest similarity, though, is in their persistence. Neither Capricorn nor Seviper ever gives up on a goal or concedes in a fight.

2 Aquarius: Poipole

As an Ultra Beast, Poipole exemplifies the enigmatic Aquarius nature. These extra-dimensional Pokémon are quite literally otherworldly and defy attempts to understand them. However, Poipole is popular in its own dimension, due to the sociable nature that it also shares with this sign.

This sign is intelligent, and loves any opportunity to expand their minds. In this spirit, Poipole can learn to understand human speech after spending enough time with them. Like Aquarians, they can be erratic and unpredictable; yet, they are true friends.

1 Pisces: Galarian Slowking

Slowking's unique form in Galar is a result of venom from the Shellder on its head reacting with Galarian spices in its body. Because of this effect, Galarian Slowking's psychic powers are unparalleled. This calls to mind the almost clairvoyant intuition that Pisceans can possess.

This Pokémon is intelligent and can solve complex problems—yet nobody understands its speech or motives. People have observed it engaging in ritualistic behavior with others of its kind. Taken together, Galarian Slowking's unique qualities exemplify the mysterious, creative, and spiritual nature of Pisces.

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What Poison-Type Pokemon Are You, Based On Your Zodiac? What Poison-Type Pokemon Are You, Based On Your Zodiac? Reviewed by Unknown on February 16, 2021 Rating: 5

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