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Disco Elysium: The Final Cut releases on March 30

Studio ZA/UM has announced that melancholy detective RPG Disco Elysium will get its expanded Final Cut version, complete with new political vision quests and one million words of voice acting, on March 30. It'll be a free upgrade for anyone who owns the existing game, and a good reason to replay the best game you can play on PC.

The voice acting will be a boon for anyone put off by all the reading Disco Elysium required, and I'm planning a replay just to see the new quests. But the Final Cut also adds more than that. There's also an extra location, additional characters, cutscenes, and clothes—perhaps skinned from extinct disco animals—and full controller support. There are other features beyond those that have been detailed so far too, as Studio ZA/UM hinted at in a blog post announcing the release date.

"We won't spoil them here, but let's just say one new feature might have you reconsider if teleportation really is possible. On a less mysterious note, we want to give a shout out to our animator, Eduardo Rubio, who has added a ton of new animations for you all to enjoy."

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut will be available on Steam, Epic, GOG, and Stadia.

Disco Elysium: The Final Cut releases on March 30 Disco Elysium: The Final Cut releases on March 30 Reviewed by Unknown on March 17, 2021 Rating: 5

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