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Bungie is Hiring for a New Game Focused on Competitive PvP

The studio that created Halo in 2001 and is currently building the Destiny franchise, Bungie, has recently announced a studio expansion. Many gamers are already aware of Bungie’s plans to continue developing the Destiny franchise, not only as a video game but into other forms of media, as well. However, a recent job listing at Bungie may hint at something completely new for the studio.

Destiny fans have always discussed the game as having a PVE side and a PVP side. With balance changes to one side of Destiny 2 ultimately affecting the other, players have long hoped for separate sandbox tuning to keep PVE from being affected by balance changes in the PVP space. Bungie’s new job listing for an Incubation Multiplayer Systems Designer leans heavily into PVP game design, requiring a strong familiarity with competitive gaming.

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Bungie’s Incubation Multiplayer Systems Designer listing focuses on competitive multiplayer game mechanics that provide strategic depth and opportunities for counterplay. This is something that much of the Destiny community have been requesting for a long time. Destiny’s PVP balancing is always a hot topic of discussion among the community, so this new listing may sound like good news to many Destiny players.

While this may sound like a positive piece of information for Destiny’s PVP, the listing also states this position will work with a “team devoted to turning a creative dream into a new franchise at Bungie.” The idea of a new franchise means that this may not be something for Destiny 2.

A new franchise for Bungie focused around competitive PVP could be just what many Destiny players have been looking for. Destiny has long been given praise for its feel for gunplay, but that gunplay has been diluted with more abilities and hard-to-counter weapons. If Bungie takes Destiny’s gunplay feel and incorporates that into a more competitive-focused game, many Destiny Guardians may have their hopes answered for a more competitive Destiny-like PVP game.

Bungie has also posted a few other positions that hint at something new, such as an Incubation Staff Systems Designer to help build a sandbox game unlike anything Bungie has ever created before. While Destiny fans may think that these positions could pull support from Destiny, it should be noted that Bungie is also posting listings for Destiny related positions.

Bungie’s recently announced growth and studio expansion seem to be going well, and that should be exciting news for Bungie fans. While Destiny continues to tell an amazing narrative in the PVE space, maybe this new PVP-focused franchise will provide the competitive itch that many Destiny Guardians have been wanting from the Crucible.

MORE: Bungie is Going to Expand Destiny 2 to Other Media

Source: Bungie

Bungie is Hiring for a New Game Focused on Competitive PvP Bungie is Hiring for a New Game Focused on Competitive PvP Reviewed by Unknown on April 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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