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The 10 Most Hilarious Red Dead Redemption 2 Memes | Game Rant

Like many Rockstar games, Red Dead Redemption 2 has its fair share of hilarious and unexpected situations that were likely not intended by the developers. Janky mechanics, silly oversights, and general player belligerence can all result in events unfolding in comical manners.

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These comedic circumstances can often be captured as a visual meme using sometimes unrelated imagery and witty captions. Many who love this western-themed adventure can relate to them and have a hearty laugh, for that's exactly what memes are meant to do. The best of the bunch will ring especially true in terms of both relatability and hilarity.

10 One Of These Is Not Like The Other...

One of these things clearly is a person in a conspicuous costume while everyone else is in normal attire for the setting. This is very much like how it feels when the player dresses up in the skin of an impressive animal they hunted or other brightly colored apparel. The NPCs may not care, or even notice, but this stark apathy in the face of the fantastic can make the situation even funnier.

9 Horse Abandonment

Players can acquire multiple horses in Red Dead 2, however, only one can be ridden at a time, meaning that only the best get to tag along on adventures. The others, while not being mistreated, simply hang out in a stable; unable to truly gallop freely like they were meant to. As the player leaves the stables with their favorite horse, the others may look on jealously and possibly even with resentment.

8 Between A Rock & A Tree

Sometimes the pathing of one's steed in video games leaves a lot to be desired. The speed at which one is moving also gives little time for last-second course correction, which will leave the AI at the helm for crucial moments. Due to the varied terrain, and somewhat janky hitboxes, there are often situations where the player's horse simply cannot do any better than slamming into a tree or snagging a hoof on a rock.

7 "There's A Snake In My Boot!"

With all the different clothing options, Arthur Morgan's appearance can get pretty wild. Some clothing pairings can even allow the player to roleplay as other western-themed characters.

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Dressing up like Woody from Toy Story will make any gamer want to belt out famous one-liners from the animated Pixar films as they galavant around the old west.

6 Better Than The Real Thing

When simply going outside can be hazardous these days, real fishing can be hard to get around to. Thankfully, emulations of the sport in video games have come a long way. Fishing in Red Dead 2 is so relaxing and satisfying that time just flows away like a passing current in one of the game's many beautiful lakes and rivers.

5 Proper Use Of The Deadeye Mechanic

There's killing enemies and then there's overkilling them. Sure, the Deadeye function is meant to help the player even the odds when faced with multiple foes, however, when a singular target is present, the use of it seems unnecessary. Though 'unnecessary' is often a stalwart companion of hilarity and blasting the same bandit with a pistol a dozen times can result in very satisfying, and ridiculous, outcomes.

4 A Serious Journey

Westerns get dramatized quite a lot in popular culture, making some expect a romantic tale of a bold hero on an honorable quest in the west.

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However, players going into RDR2 with this notion in mind will be in for a surprise as the realism of this game can hit hard and leave a lasting impression.

3 Polarizing Reactions

The combat in the game is quite fun and totally intends for the player to go nuts in gunslinging battles, which can result in a massive kill count; the larger the number, the more one's bloodthirst will be quenched. The opposite is true as well, in that accidentally killing a living being in RDR2 can be nearly traumatizing due to how much the game immerses the player. Sadly, dogs don't have that much health, so even bumping one can result in death. If anything, this is an incentive to become better at riding...if one's horse's pathing allows.

2 The Worst Timing

There is a great variety of things one can experience in this vast western-themed game. Most of it is about setting forth into the frontier of America, experiencing life in a simpler time while gunslinging frequently. Conversely, there are situations where players will encounter sinister and disturbing content that warrants the game's 17+ Mature rating. If living with another person, it is possible for them to walk in at the wrong moment and get a far darker impression of the game than the reality, which can raise some awkward questions.

1 Famous Last Words

This comic illustrates the first step in many of the downfalls that RDR2 players can find themselves in by simply looking around. For a game that stresses the morality of one's actions, it is awfully easy to kill innocent creatures, be they human, dog, or horse. After the player inevitably has a few "accidents", they may begin to look at things from a bit further away...just in case.

NEXT: 10 Times Arthur Morgan Was The True Villain Of Red Dead Redemption 2

The 10 Most Hilarious Red Dead Redemption 2 Memes | Game Rant The 10 Most Hilarious Red Dead Redemption 2 Memes | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on April 18, 2021 Rating: 5

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