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Destiny 2 Gives Trials Players Lots of Chances for Igneous Hammer Hand Cannon

Destiny 2 has made mistakes in the past, and it will likely continue to make mistakes in the future. Today’s launch of Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2 had many Guardians thinking that the rewards for the weekend would be another mistake. Fortunately for many players, the Trials rewards this week are just what Bungie intended.

Usually, with Trials of Osiris, players have 3 win, 5 win, 7 win, and Flawless card rewards, all with different rewards for Guardians to chase. This weekend, however, that is not the case. In one of the more hilarious moves by Bungie, Destiny 2’s rewards for Trials of Osiris this weekend, May 7-May 10, are all the same thing.

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Guardians gearing up for the Trials of Osiris for the weekends had no reason to expect anything out of the ordinary. When news of the rewards started trickling around the community, many Guardians thought there was a bug. All four Trials of Osiris rewards are the Trials of Osiris Hand Cannon, Igneous Hammer. Destiny 2 Senior Community Manager dmg04, confirmed the rewards on Twitter.

In previous weekends, having the Trials of Osiris Hand Cannon as the 3-win reward was a real treat for many Guardians. This weekend Guardians have four chances at getting their hands on this popular Hand Cannon. Guardians that manage a Flawless Trials Card will be awarded the Adept version of the Igneous Hammer.

For many Guardians, more chances at a god-rolled Igneous Hammer is a glorious thing, while other Guardians may have been lucky enough to have already found their perfect Igneous Hammer. For Guardians who already have their god-rolled Hand Cannon, having it take over all the reward slots may seem pointless.

The downside of having all four rewards be the same thing is that it may increase token farming the first few matches of a Trials card. By farming tokens, Guardians can turn them into Saint-14 for a chance at any of the Trials rewards in their current loot pool, something other than an Igneous Hammer.

While the Igneous Hammer is currently dominating the Crucible, increasing the desire to own one, Guardians should keep in mind that a change to 120 RPM Hand Cannons is coming that will nerf the overall range of Igneous Hammer. In Destiny 2, Season of the Splicer, the 120 RPM Archetype of Hand Cannon will get their damage and aim-assist falloff reduced by between 2 and 4 meters based on the Range stat.

Guardians who do not have an Igneous Hammer or did not get a good roll on the one from the Seasonal Challenges, have more opportunities to gain this coveted Hand Cannon. Even after the upcoming nerf, 120 RPM Hand Cannons will still have a dominating place in the Crucible.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer Patch Note Preview

Destiny 2 Gives Trials Players Lots of Chances for Igneous Hammer Hand Cannon Destiny 2 Gives Trials Players Lots of Chances for Igneous Hammer Hand Cannon Reviewed by Unknown on May 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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