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Hood: Outlaws & Legends - 10 Pro Tips For Playing As A Brawler

Hood: Outlaws & Legends is a stealth-based PvPvE that rewards players for sneaking around. However, regardless of a team's covertness, they will inevitably be discovered by enemy guards and players alike. Situations like these require muscle, something that the Brawler John has a lot of. With his sledgehammer and physical prowess, he can take down nearly any opponent effortlessly.

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The Brawler is the most combat-adept character in the entire game. Even newer players can pick up the Brawler and cause unparalleled destruction. Despite the Brawler's skill with a sledgehammer, without a proper understanding of his features or purpose players are doomed to fail. Fortunately, these tips for using the Brawler will turn players into absolute powerhouses during heists.

10 Practice Close Quarters Combat

The Brawler is the most proficient melee character of Robin's gang. Every swing of his hammer ensures death to any in its path, at least early on. As the game progresses, enemies become more powerful and aggressive towards players. Swinging the Brawlers hammer aimlessly will result in the player's death. Instead of rushing into online heists head-on, players should take time to practice.

Hood: Outlaws & Legends combat system is nothing too advanced, but it is punishing. Any missed swing or parry will be met with a devastating revenge attack. Even the Brawler himself can suffer greatly from these mistakes, so practice matches are key. Not only will this prepare the Brawler for fights against guards, but enemy players as well.

9 Protect Vulnerable Teammates

Every character in Hood has their strengths and weaknesses. Every class has the responsibility to make up for each other's flaws, especially the Brawler. During high alert situations or battles, stealth is not as useful. This leaves both the Ranger and the Hunter at a significant disadvantage, which the Brawler must compensate for.

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The Brawler should always be close by to provide assistance whenever needed. It is up to the Brawler to attack enemies head-on, in order to protect weaker allies. This grants teammates the opportunity to fall back and assist through ranged attacks or assassinations. Players that fail to protect allies will be overwhelmed and cost their team valuable time and resources.

8 Watch Your Back

The Brawler is a formidable force in heists, especially during high-alert situations. This makes them a valuable target for the enemy team. While the Brawler can take on numerous opponents head-on, they cannot defend against an assassination. Whether the Brawler is carrying the chest or in combat, they should always be watching their backs.

Since the Brawler is a difficult opponent, enemy players will usually send in the Hunter to dispatch him. Regardless of how unlikely it may be, the Brawler must always be prepared for an assassination attempt. He is a significant member of the team, and being killed instantly can change the game's outcome dramatically.

7 Beware Ranged Enemies

While the Brawler is an overwhelming melee fighter, he lacks any ranged capabilities. This makes him susceptible to the Ranger, the Hunter, and crossbowmen that can easily pick him off from afar. While it may seem easy to rush ranged opponents, it will almost always result in the Brawler's death.

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Instead, players should take advantage of the Brawler's defensive capabilities. By blocking, the Brawler can deflect any incoming arrows or bolts and slowly make their way towards an opponent. The Brawler's allies can take this opportunity to assassinate, flank, or snipe the ranged enemy.

6 Be A Distraction

The Brawler's presence in a heist draws the attention of guards and enemy players alike. In addition, the Brawler is meant to take on numerous threats. This perfect combination allows the Brawler to become the ultimate distraction. While it may seem reckless or ineffective, drawing in opponents allows teammates to progress unhindered.

If the enemy team is closing in on the key, chest, or winch, the Brawler can slow their advance. The Brawler's teammates can use this time to further their objective bringing them closer to victory. Even if the Brawler ends up dying, the time he provided the team will be well worth the sacrifice.

5 Utilize Your Trait

Every character in Hood: Outlaws & Legends has a unique trait that suits their purpose. The Brawler's trait Resolute allows him to lift the portcullis gate during a high alert. This offers the Brawler's team a quick path through once blocked-off areas of the map. While it is a useful trait, many players forget to use it.

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By taking less direct routes during high alert, players waste valuable time. Usually, the path through the portcullis gates offers the most direct route to an objective. In addition, passing through the portcullis can allow players to escape from a group of guards, the Sheriff, or enemy players.

4 Use Explosives Sparingly

The Brawler already is a devastating force in battle and his gear is equally destructive. Along with his sledgehammer, the Brawler carries deadly explosives. These bombs are capable of taking out groups of enemies, and can even take down the Sheriff momentarily. While explosives are a useful item, the Brawler should not use them mindlessly.

Bombs should only be used in the direst of situations. Using them on enemies that the Brawler or their team can deal with easily is wasteful. Explosives are most beneficial when players are being pursued by the Sheriff or overwhelmed by enemies. Regardless of how tempting it may be, the Brawler must conserve their bomb supply.

3 Reserve Your Ability

Each character's ability provides them with incredible power to use against enemies. The Brawler's ability Wrath enhances his already great offensive and defensive capabilities. It allows him to single-handedly take on multiple opponents without any effort. The Brawler's ability is exceedingly useful during expansive battles or high alerts.

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While the Brawler's ability is exceptional in combat, it takes a long time before players can use it, meaning that players should do their best to save it for late-game confrontations. Earlier stages focus on stealth and battles, which will not require the Brawler's ability. Moreover, fights against a few guards or a single player will likely not require Wrath either.

2 Always Carry & Winch

Every character is capable of carrying the chest and winching, but some are more efficient at these tasks. The Hunter and Ranger will struggle, while the Mystic and Brawler can easily perform these duties. Overall, the Brawler is the most effective character for lifting and winching.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, no character besides the Brawler should complete these objectives. While the Brawler is a capable fighter, performing these tasks will benefit the team much more. Even if the Brawler's team cannot adequately defend him, he can stop and fight opponents himself.

1 Dominate Late Game

Hood: Outlaws & Legends separates the game into three distinct stages using objectives. Naturally, as each phase passes, the game diverts from its stealth-based form of play to an all-out battle. While some characters suffer in this later stage, the Brawler prospers. Without the need to stay hidden, the Brawler is free to unleash his full power upon enemies.

During the late game, players should utilize the Brawler's physical prowess to eliminate enemies and quickly winch the chest. Using his gear and ability, the Brawler can easily clear out enemies and defend his teammates. This phase allows the Brawler to go all out, and players should engage in every fight to come out on top.

NEXT: Hood: Outlaws & Legends - 10 Pro Tips For Playing As A Hunter

Hood: Outlaws & Legends - 10 Pro Tips For Playing As A Brawler Hood: Outlaws & Legends - 10 Pro Tips For Playing As A Brawler Reviewed by Unknown on May 21, 2021 Rating: 5

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