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Outriders: Every Legendary Sniper Rifle | Game Rant

Anybody thinking that sniper rifles are meant exclusively for specialized class builds and players haven't spent enough time with the Outriders endgame. The best way to start a fight isn't to run headlong into combat. Every character has to stay back and kill as many enemies as possible until the force becomes strong enough to demand that everyone goes back to their class roles.

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The developers were aware of this and so they put a plethora of rifles in the game, something for everybody even if they aren't a specialized Technomancer. There are ten total legendary sniper rifles, some are standard, others are bolt action, and the rest are automatic. It can be hard to farm them all, but they each have a flavor that demands to be sampled before settling in on the one that feels the best in the player's hands.

Updated on June 11th, 2021 by Hodey Johns: After several patches and rebalances, this list was bound to get shaken up more than just a little bit. Indeed, there have been some sniper rifles that have fallen out of favor while others have found their place with the right build. This list has been updated to reflect the latest information and each section has been reworded to highlight the most important features of the weapon.

  • Shots on enemies with a status effect randomly will change the effect into a different one.
  • Shots link up to four enemies, dealing 30% of their weapon damage and 10% of their Anomaly damage to them (4-second cooldown).

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On one hand, the Mindmugger has one of the greatest level two mods in the game. Damage Link is immensely advantageous when understanding how the higher World Tiers work as it does damage to enemies based on their own offensive power.

The downside is that the Anomaly Mutation can switch off of a teammate's preferred status effect. Instead of being cool, this oftentimes ends up messing up their combos. Use this rifle solo, but leave it at home in a group.

  • Critical shots inflict Toxic on enemies within a 5-meter radius.
  • Killing shots increase Leech by 15% for 20 seconds.

The Headhunter seduces players with its perfect accuracy rating. But the stability is terrible and getting off successive shots can prove difficult. Burst of Decay is a great mod for Technomancers, who will be more inclined to disassemble this gun rather than use it.

Players who have a class build that is already struggling when compared to other classes will have a tough time making either mod work in a way that helps them catch up since damage over time effects and Leech boosts aren't in a sniper rifle's wheelhouse.

  • Shots deal damage and inflict Weakness to enemies within a 5-meter radius of the target (3-second cooldown).
  • Shots inflict Burn (8-second cooldown).

The two mods on this gun have incredible synergy as they apply Burn and Weakness status effects. The sniper rifle would be much higher if it weren't for the long cooldowns on them, but for an opening blast, this gun makes a lot of sense for those who start with a rifle and end with a different gun.

  • Critical hits deal damage and inflict Bleed on enemies within a 5-meter radius (3-second cooldown).
  • Shots inflict Bleed (8-second cooldown).

The Bleed status effect is most often attributed to shotguns and SMGs, but the Spirit Hunter is the one sniper rifle capable of doing this job from afar. It's only a level one mod, so most players will replace Bleeding Bullets.

The other mod makes enemies explode on critical hits, dealing areas damage and applying Bleed to the poor souls caught in the burst. Best of all, the Ultimate Bone Shrapnel has only a three-second cooldown!

  • Critical shots cause explosions that inflict Toxic on enemies within a 5-meter radius.
  • Shots decrease enemy resistance by 35% for 6 seconds.

A Technomancer with bonuses to Toxic applications will favor this sniper rifle over others higher on the list because of the Burst of Decay mod, which will apply group Toxic status effects without any cooldown.

The Resistance Breaker mod comes through for teammates. Reducing resistances by 35% is huge for a local Pyromancer that is responsible for doing damage. Think of this rifle as a great supporting cast member instead of acting as the star of the show.

  • Critical hits deal damage to enemies within a 5-meter radius (3-second cooldown).
  • Shots deal damage to enemies within a 6-meter radius (3-second cooldown).

A natural criticism of the sniper rifle in any game is that it lacks area damage. That criticism is especially poignant in Outriders, as mobs of enemies are present on every battlefield and most boss fights.

The Landlubber has not one, but two mods that deal area damage. It can be hard to line up consecutive shots throughout the explosions, but players who have to thin a herd from afar will be glad they found this beauty. The ten bullets in the clip is nothing to sneeze at, either.

  • Shots inflict Vulnerable.
  • Critical hits do not consume ammo.

The first Twisted Metal mod inflicts Vulnerability with no cooldown, maximizing all damage against the target. Headhunters will enjoy that critical hits don't consumer ammo, either. There are higher-DPS options for an individual, but every group will want somebody with the Ultimate Vulnerability Bullets mod in the group.

  • Critical shots do not consume ammo.
  • Shots create deal damage over 15 seconds and inflict Weakness to enemies within a 6-meter radius (2-second cooldown).

The Ravenous Locust mod in the Molten Eidola is something special. Not only does it slap opponents with a damage over time effect, but it inflicts Weakness in an area, providing two bonuses for the price of a single slot. What's more the cooldown of this ridiculously strong move in a mere two seconds.

Be careful when shooting, though, there's only one bullet in each clip. This penalty is negated by the Brain-Eater mod, which will refund ammo that is a critical shot. This is a great sniper rifle for those with ice in their veins while aiming.

  • Critical hits inflict Freeze on enemies in a 4-meter radius.
  • Killing shots against frozen enemies makes them explode.

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The Iceberg is a hit for solo players who can control enemy movement from the onset of battle. Critical shots do area of effect Freeze infliction in an area, then killing shots make these targets explode, giving gamers an ice-cold double whammy against clusters of targets.

  • Critical shots do not consume ammo.
  • Critical shots deal Anomaly Damage in a 2-meter radius.

The name of the game with top-tier damage dealers is never having to reload. The Brain-Eater mod makes it so players are given back their ammo when they land a critical shot.

It's also the preferred gun of casters, who will get more out of the Anomaly Damage tied to each shot (no cooldown). This is a flat damage increase with each shot and is widely considered the best mod for damage in the game; on an automatic weapon like the Icarus, it's overpowered. Players who don't use the Icarus will still want this Icarus so they can rip the Ultimate Anomaly Surge off of it.

NEXT: Outsiders Complete Guide - Builds, Tips, Tricks, And Help

Outriders: Every Legendary Sniper Rifle | Game Rant Outriders: Every Legendary Sniper Rifle | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on June 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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