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World of Warcraft Classic is Getting Hit With DDoS Attacks

World of Warcraft players looking to revisit the original experience have flocked to World of Warcraft Classic. With the release of today's Burning Crusade Classic expansion, more players than ever want to get in on the action, but there have been some difficulties on that front.

As with many online multiplayer games, fans flocked to the World of Warcraft Classic servers after the update went live, which has created long queues and waits. However, according to Blizzard, the biggest problem seems to be coming from outside the game itself.

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According to Blizzard's support Twitter account, World of Warcraft Classic has been plagued by DDoS attacks since the update became live. While Blizzard has stated that it's monitoring the situation and working to mitigate it, no full solution has been found as of this writing, and players are still pouring in to complain about the situation.

Many players have reported extreme lag, as well as being completely booted from the server they're trying to play on. Unfortunately, many of these players have rejoined the queue only to find that they have to wait several hours before they can actually get back into the game.

Some players are recalling the launch of World of Warcraft Classic back in 2019, which suffered from similar DDoS attacks. While some have been quick to point the finger at this being potentially Blizzard's fault struggling with the influx of players, there's no clear evidence of that, though the huge number of players trying to login at the same time as a DDoS attack is likely making matters even worse.

It's not entirely bad news for WoW Classic players, though, as it appears that some of the less-populated servers are still playable with manageable levels of lag. Of course, this is likely a small comfort for those who prefer heavily populated servers or who choose to stream while playing on the Faerlina server, as it has been heavily impacted by the attacks.

While this is surely frustrating to players who were eager to jump straight into Burning Crusade Classic's content, it likely won't last. DDoS attacks are common in the online gaming industry, though some games have been less fortunate than others, with games like LittleBigPlanet going down for extended periods of time following DDoS attacks and hacking.

It will be interesting to see how Blizzard handles this DDoS attack going forward. Blizzard has pressed charges against prior DDoS attackers, with the culprit for the 2019 World of Warcraft Classic DDoS attacks being arrested the same month the attacks occurred. It remains to be seen if history will repeat itself.

World of Warcraft Classic is available now on PC.

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World of Warcraft Classic is Getting Hit With DDoS Attacks World of Warcraft Classic is Getting Hit With DDoS Attacks Reviewed by Unknown on June 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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